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There are certain scenarios where it’s not an urge to fight, it’s a necessity. Be a victim, or fight

Man chiming in to say: literally do not understand this statement. I have, however, used other men in this mood as a weapon against them to make them even angrier at me, which is a hilarious way to quit your job btw


My parents both openly smoked weed in front of my from a young age. I was told that as long as I was home by curfew and didn’t come home in a cop car they were fine with me doing basically whatever cuz they knew I wasn’t a complete moron (my dad worked in the school system and knew all the ACTUAL problem children really well, they hated me because of that so I never got to be a hoodlum lol), though my nugs WERE taken from me at 15 because “you were dumb enough to let us catch you with it” which is fair but I say they were out and bumming off of me without saying so lol

As for sex I got a quick talk about using a condom after my dad caught my GF and I doing it, but otherwise it was left mostly unsaid cuz my sex Ed wasnt trash


Nah, name and shame, 100% that will likely actually make a difference over traffic stops or photo radar.

Yeah, and when my GPS skips for a second and my speed registers as 89+mph for a few seconds as the system catches up I’ll really be shamed for what a horrible person I’ve been!

(This isn’t even a hypothetical, I regularly see my estimated speed in android auto get wonky because GPS signal isn’t perfect)


The journalist DID get the correct type of gun. The title is not written by the journalist and is the only place revolver is used.

It’s in the subtitle, and it was produced by the news organization alongside the article. It’s part of the article as released by the journalistic news outlet, it impacts the story, and it’s embarrassing

And the way you say, “what other basic facts have they misrepresented” makes it seem like you think this was an intentional thing to skew the stor

Nice assumption, don’t read shit into what other people say and you won’t get it wrong. My point wasn’t that it’s purposefully wrong at all, just that it is wrong, and an insanely basic thing to get wrong. Assume incompetence before malice, you know?

Only gun nerds will care about that detail

Lol, completely untrue. My wife has no idea about guns and her first comment was that the gun in the thumbnail wasn’t a revolver and she chuckled. It’s a really basic fact to fuck up

so the editor/copy person who actually wrote the headline likely did no research at all

Exactly? If the person doing the tag line for the article couldn’t be bothered to not make a basic error fixed with a 2s web search: why should you trust that the person who wrote the article did, or was checked properly?

The point is that the type of gun is not important

The point is that I learned in my journalism classes that missing basic facts like this erodes trust in you as a news source, for obvious reasons. Well, obvious to people with half a brain, anyway.

Just like if the person had said the officer was wearing a cotton shirt under his uniform when it was actually a poly-cotton blend, it’s not 100% accurate but it doesn’t change the point.

Absolutely not the same at all. What the office wore underneath his uniform is nether relevant nor in the thumbnail next to the article title. The type of gun is both of those things

Again, it’s a very simple concept: if the news source cannot be assed to do a basic fact check on their title when it’s blatantly false by their own thumbnail then they cannot be trusted to fact check jack shit


Does the online work?

Got it on PS5 for a great deal and unfortunately that only works once every blue moon but it’s actually a stupid fun MP skateboarding game

It’s what child me never got to enjoy gdi


If a journalist can’t get the basic fact of revolver vs Glock right, what other basic facts have they misrepresented?

thats why factual accuracy in news stories is important, especially if the weapon in question is the articles thumbnail, making it the first thing many will notice


Because they’re 2 different types of vehicle

You’re inside the moving vehicle and should you not be attached to it you’ll bounce around the inside or go flying out the window in a crash

A motorcyclist is not contained, and thus it’s dumb to attach them to the dangerous and heavy metal should a crash occur. We instead require protective gear (unless you live in a shitty state) so you get less injured if you go flying


because of a locked cockpit door

Door wasn’t locked and had nothing to do with the crash. In fact a flight attendant managed to get into the cockpit and turn the plane from a populated part of Athens, likely saving lives shortly before it fully crashed

The plane simply never pressurized and literally as the co-pilot realized what was happening hypoxia took them and the captain, all because a switch could turn pressurization into a manual override and there was no warning before takeoff that it was that way


Ill add something I’ve never really seen anyone mention: it used to be a lot better at staying on topic without ME keeping it that way

For example: this weekend I was playing Blops 3 and googled shit like “Winslow accord bo3” and after 1-3 searches I could just type shit related to bo3 and even if it had relevant pages related to other shit, it’d remember my recent searches and keep them rather relevant even if it was on my phone or a new window rather than the same search bar

At least, it used to work that way. Now every 4-5 searches it suddenly forgets what tangent I was on and I have to start adding qualifiers again to get relevant searches


Don’t even need to be a woman

Men talk about this shit too, most of us actually care about the people in our lives that this had an effect on after all
