You deserve a Pulitzer for that analogy alone!
Thank you for taking the time to explain it in such simple terms, I’ve joined a few hous ago and I’ve been going INSANE trying to find an ultimate-like FAQ about what of this really is.
Jesus Christ youre preaching to the choir here.
I had to leave it at around November 2022 cause I noticed the negativity was seirously harming my mental health. Im only a lurker in all social medias, so I was surprised something “finally” got to me. Since I had been “immune” to metaverse shit up to that point (not because im in any way better than anyone, I just dont have enough IRL friends to matter lol), I was surprised with how much reddit mined my sanity without me noticing.
And I fully intended to only keep Insta for family contact and tiktok for funny videos until GOOGLE FUCKING STOPS WORKING. So now I need another “search engine alternative” -_-
Well, disaster averted, let’s hope we get at least a decade or so of usage on this one!