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Stating that the president should be fixing something misses a lot of what happened insomuch as the President did try to fix somethings with a one time forgiveness of debt (only partial in a majority of cases) of federally held/debt through Direct Loans. Additional forgiveness was to be provided to those students that were so economically disadvantaged (aka poor) that they qualified for Pell grants. To do so, the President had previosuly nominated Miguel Cordona as his Administrations Secretary of Education, a Cabinet level position, and was approved by Congress. As head of this Federal Dept, Corodna had the legal authority to forgive student loan debts through the provisions of the previously mentioned Heroes Act. That Act was passed by Congress and is still Federal law today. So, yes in fact, the President did try to help and do something but via his Sec of Education as allowed by law. This wasn’t an Executive Order like some people still think. And the forgiveness was blocked by the current “conservative” SCOTUS that has done much the opposite when it comes to conserving the institutions norms and protecting it’s standing and authority, but instead has lost any degree of consistency, departed from long established precedent (see: stare decisis). Hell, 3 of the then nominees to the court lied under oath to Congress during their hearings (looking at you Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett re: Roe v Wade being the “law of the land”) to secure their spot on the Court. But I digress… So the president did attempt a fix in as much as he could as an executive and not a legislator.

Now back to the politicizafion of this SCOTUS and the plot to hurt a Dems by cynically blocking debt relief to hurt Biden in the 2024 General Election and Dems in the upcoming Midterms. Thankfully, as shown by the OPs article, the younger voters appear to be much more well-informed as a voting base then previous generations and have assigned “blame” at the feet of Republicans. Alll you have to do is look at the states that sued the Administration claiming harm from the proposed debt forgiveness. Every single one of them were Republican states’ Attorneys General. Don’t even Get me started on how the court even established standing to begin judging the plaintiffs claims of harm.


Thankk you. The Overton window has been forcibly molded to what would’ve been the mid- Right when I was a kid growing up (90s-00s). This is because of Fox News. And then social media propagandists have tried ripping it to the extreme right, aka alt-right.

I imagine a lot of what younger people think of as left/liberal was very much a moderate view point just a generation ago.

So when you move to a new medium not propagandized yet (or at least a new venue like Lemmy) you might find that organic discourse is a lot more sane, tempered, and moderate.


Sex Drive Directors cut is ridiculous. Just plain ridiculous. I love the character of Ian’s older brother when he realizes his Judge has been taken and he’s visualizing his younger brother driving around in it eating a jelly donut LOL. Also when he’s just sitting in his driveway depressed that his cars been taken and is wearing his motorcycle helmet for no reason.

And in the end, the big twist about Lance (was this his bros name?) at his family’s Christmas.


So, a reverse funnel system? 🙂


Should’ve just gone with “NOT Hunter Bidens Laptop”


I prefer Evil Dead for comedy tbh
