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Let me preface this with the fact that I don’t like Apple, or any major corporation for that matter.

So, my family (including myself) have been long-time Apple users, heck, we still have our iPad 1 and a few iPods lying around (and they still work great).

But, we’re all starting to loose trust in them. Most recently there was a problem with a screen that simply seemed to have lost touch sensitivity, it still would move ever so slightly but taps weren’t recognized and slides no longer worked, and Apple really only helped by guiding us to a new phone. Before that, a MacBook Pro’s (and yes, I know it’s not an iPhone) battery flat out died, after being replaced a year or two ago for the the same problem _by Apple_.

Also, I’m even not tech illiterate, I know I can replace the battery and likely get it working again after some calibration and tinkering — but it’s just not worth it. The family enjoys them for their simplicity and how they “just work” but mine (and the person with the MacBook’s) confidence is swayed.

One of the biggest problems for me is that error messages are rarely useful. If a message fails to send or iMessages it doesn’t tell you details or even a Microsoft BSOD error message that we’d make fun of for their lack of usability many moons ago, it’s just failed to send and you’re supposed to accept that it simply doesn’t work.

So yeah, I see where you’re coming from.

Edit: I’d like to say I’m on an iPhone 8 (stuck on iOS 16) and haven’t had too many problems personally. I think most of the issues are in iOS 17 or the newer firmware versions, but I do feel that the quality has gone downhill recently.


KeePass(XC) is open-source.


It’s actually not uncommon for icons (and occasionally animations) to be loaded as fonts. This is why if you force your web browser to only display a certain font and go to certain websites they display strangely, or just have slightly broken loading screens.

On the web this is (mainly) for optimization. If a website has a few icons there is no problem with loading a few SVGs, or (if there is a very small number) raster images can get a pass. Although, if you’re building an application with a large number of icons (think most hyper-interactive data-driven sites) for every SVG you load that is (unless embedded directly in HTML) a single HTTP request, computers (generally, in most cases) take longer to complete several smaller operations than one big one — these means that compiling your icons into a font is much more optimized than loading them individually.

Now, considering this is Windows (where they don’t particularly seem to care about heavy optimizations and fine tuning) I’m sure it was just easier for them to write a single thing that renders a font instead of something that renders a font and another thing that renders images/animations.


I have 22 apps in total, including system apps, and excluding Apple apps (I have an iPhone) I have 15. I think about 9 of my apps are open-source, so…

If you count the Apple apps: 9/22 = ~0.409 (~40.9%).
If you only count non-system apps: 9/15 = 0.6 (60%).

I do plan on getting rid of some apps soon though, so it’s subject to change.

Edit: Fix formatting.


It’s actually an antipiracy method.


Have you tried Asunder for CDs?


Not currently running a VM or anything, but I might need to set one up for iTunes and Garmin stuff.


My first thought was The Long Dark.


Seems like you have some limitation (I really don’t know tailscail funnel) in your setup, and now you expect them to work around it.

Sub-paths are actually a fairly requested feature for Home Assistant. Although, they have a limitation of hard-coded paths, which they now expect us to work around. I’m actually fairly okay with that, they’re programmers who (a number of) work for free, with the exception of the few apart of Nabu Casa, and they’ve already exceeded my personal expectations it’s not like I deserve any features, but they also don’t deserve me to love 100% of their design decisions.

Yes, HAOS is great when you have one dedicated machine for it, for example a RPi. That’s the whole purpose of HAOS, as far as I understand.

I’ve admitted this already, but I seem to have totally miscalculated the ability of HAOS add-ons, and treated them like traditional Docker containers. This was my bad, and I learned the hard way, but at least now I know.

If you already have a zoo full of docker containers, then you want your Home Assistant (without HAOS) in just one more of your own containers.

I’m far from a zoo keeper. Once I setup everything on RPi OS again I’ll have just a few things for media (Jellyfin and a fork of Gonic, at least until my PR gets merged), Vaultwarden, and a home automation service (which may or may not be Home Assistant – if I can figure out a decent way of exposing it) I less services being hosted when I was on HAOS.


I largely agree with this, but (and this might be me being a little paranoid) I don’t really trust anyone to handle my data like that. I self-host as much as possible to get away from things beyond my control, I understand that this is an extremist view of things, but the only reason why I use Tailscale Funnel is because the family would either not know how to, or not want, to deal with a VPN like that.
