Well, I’m here now. So there’s that.
You’re welcome. /s
We separate Europe, Asia, and Africa because the Ancient Greeks invented the boundaries and terms, and the Romans kept them up.
They lived in the area, so for them, these boundaries were just names given to land on either side of major bodies of water: the Nile, the Black Sea and Rioni river, and the Mediterranean.
They considered Egypt part of Asia for a while, and anything south of the Med as the landmass “Libya.” The Romans kept up the same definitions as maps expanded, and just extrapolated from there.
“Let me check for the address and a map in this phone book.”
Thinking this through, they probably filled the car with gas until they couldn’t breathe and then hit the firework mortar to set it all off. Also gives them a higher chance of ending it all then, as opposed to the “oops, all fire!” version, which would have been a lingering way to go.
Finally, my tax dollars going to things I want!
Depends on the origin, but a freshly fermented and dried whole bean from the farm is like light drugs. Your heart skips a beat, you inhale, you smile, and life gets noticeably better.