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The US can’t address its issues without creating further contradictions. I think the biggest success they’ve had is definitely sucking Europe dry, but that’s just kicking the can down the road really. Domestically, conditions continue to decline at an accelerating rate. There is no plan to address this. That’s a major contradiction right there. When the next major crisis happens, who are they gonna steal from? I feel like if they had to turn to other countries in the imperial core for wealth extraction, doesn’t that say a lot about the long-term viability of their economy? How will Europe function as they decline from relative prosperity into a hellhole similar to modern America? Will people take it lying down? People in the global south have also definitely taken notice of the Ukraine war and how weak America actually is at defending its interests militarily. Can the US prevent the decolonization of West Africa and the Middle East forever? Will bigger holes start to form in South America or other parts of the world?

The US has definitely taken notice of the seeds of its destruction i.e. de-dollarization and growing Chinese and Eurasian hegemony and taken some measures to address this. However, the contradictions of neoliberalism and financialization have not changed. There is nothing they can do to change them. The death of the U.S. is a process that will take some time and there will be ebbs and flows. Unfortunately, even 100 years is a relatively short period of time in terms of human development, so we could go our whole lifetime without seeing America destroyed even if we can see its inevitability. Also, economic indicators are essentially religious divinations designed to prop up the system, so unless it’s coming from a Marxist or at least some non-mainstream source they really can’t be taken at face value.


Already seeing libs call this a false flag attack. So that stage has been set already if proof comes out that Ukraine was responsible


Biden fucked up so hard with this. Whether in this war or the next the global South is uniting. Internally, people do not support Israel like they need them to get away with this level of denial and propaganda. And they are now going to pit themselves against fucking doctors from MSF, one of the most highly respected western organizations, who are providing unequivocal firsthand testimony that these were airstrikes. They will pay.


They are telling on themselves so hard here, confirming that they were sending poorly trained soldiers to Bakhmut just to fucking die. Fucking monsters


Turns out the process of fascism isn’t some mystifying thing like we are taught in schools about Nazi Germany, its literally the lives we’ve lead in the west. The call was coming from inside the house!

Also speaks to the power of class conflict as the supreme driver of social constructs. Trying to explain it away as “people bad” only goes so far. I know people don’t really want to hurt others like this. Its entirely the system created by the bourgeoisie. At least we know we have the tools in Marxism!


Damn the tankies were right again? Don’t listen to them though the economy is actually great and Russia is totally gonna collapse any day now


It is very disturbing how Reddit-like that response is


The section in Blackshirts and Reds where he details what it was like for people in former Soviet countries when they realized they had been duped by capitalist propaganda and lost all those things they took for granted was really fucking sad
