
I’m in Canada.
Since Bush W, I saw the blatant writing on the wall of the direction the US was going. Trump version 1 seemed like a clown show and I assumed things would get worse but it would take 20-30 more years. I never once thought we’d see a Trump version 2.
I think this is probably the end of the USA as we once knew it. Trump is on a speedrun to crash everything. The American people are either cheering it on or apathetic. The public won’t stop him. The opposition in US government seems unable to deal with Trump because he clearly doesn’t give a shit about decorum, rules, or law.
I guess we all realize empires eventually fall. The US got itself here from it’s own hubris. It’s time.
I do worry being right next door and both the US and Russia eyeballing our northern routes and resources. More and more I’m coming to terms with probably dying defending my country from a direct attack. Something I never really worried about until last November.
It’s a scary time
You can download all the old Netscapes here - http://home.mcom.com/archives/
I found Mosaic 1 here - https://winworldpc.com/product/ncsa-mosaic/1
This sounds like me a few years ago.
I loved IT work when I started but the job, the positions, the customers, and my bosses sucked it out of me. I couldn’t see myself staying in the job. As each day passed I got more and more depressed and miserable. The only plus side was I was earning a bit of money.
I was also at the age (late 40s) where it was probably too late to change careers. Even if I did, I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do.
I decided to take a risk and open my own business - a pinball arcade. Huge risk, but if it worked it would probably be fun.
I spent 3 years collecting machines and learning how to repair them. I worked to reduce my personal overhead so I could get by earning less (which is freeing on it’s own). I was still working the horrible IT jobs, but since I had a new direction it didn’t seem to bother me as much. There was a light at the end of the tunnel.
3 years ago we opened the arcade and luckily it’s been working out. I love coming to work now. I love 99% of my customers. Some days I spend half the day playing games with people in the arcade. I’m earning a living and our sales keep going up as we add more things to the arcade.
My only advice is to find something that will make you happy and work towards it. You don’t have to stay in a job you hate.
A Tesla owner who wraps the vehicles for a living has come up with a hypothesis as to why his truck lost a piece of its bodywork at speed.
The car is shit and poorly built. I don’t think there is much of a mystery here.
Those kid size cages at gitmo aren’t going to use themselves.
I think I agree with most comments here.
He’s usually right and I agree with him, I just find him a little hard to watch. His videos are a bit long winded.
I 100% support him. I think his heart and mind are in the right place.