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Some more details on the update frequency of services and maps I use:

  • After you upload something, it changes the database instantly.
  • Things getting data directly from there should also update near instantly, like when you download in JOSM.
  • The update delay of the raster map on openstreetmap.org depends on the zoom level. More zoomed in tiles update near instantly, lower zoom levels are updated weekly, monthly. Coastine is a special element, it doesn’t update with others, as it’s really resource intensive. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Coastline
  • Queries on Overpass-turbo.eu have a delay of 6-10 minutes.
  • Afaik StreetCompete quests are near instant, at the time you download them, but the base map updates only monthly, I read this in some forum, not sure.
  • Organic maps usually monthly. Map updates are tied to app updates, so sometimes they miss some month.
  • Magic Earth usually monthly, but sometimes they skip one or two. It’s annoying for me, because I use this for car navigation usually. The streets I use frequently are perfect now, but once I made a typo accidentally on a destination sign, and I fixed it some days later as I noticed while driving there, but ME didn’t updated its map for like 3 months after that, and I was always reminded to my typo I already fixed, ahhh…
  • Osmand defaults to monthly updates, but if you pay for it or download the foss version or you are a frequent osm contributor you can get live updates up to hourly frequency: https://osmand.net/docs/user/personal/maps-resources#osmand-live

I wrote this from memory, so it may be not 100% up to date, please correct me if I’m wrong

4 points

Early iOs and Android icons were one of the last offshoot of the style called “Frutiger Aero

Flat icons don’t necessarily bad and undetailed, it’s just harder to create something more recogniseable with less tools, but I actually like the order, that they look like they are related to each other. Back in the day I created icon packs for the programs I used on pc, so my desktop would look clean and uniform.

Design styles are in a cycle, just wait some years and they will show up again, I’m sure. There is already some connection with the new style of windows 11.


That’s actually how World Hertitage designation started. After they moved the Nubian monuments to the new location, UNESCO figured out, we should have a list of the most important monuments the World should save wathever it takes, they named them World Heritage Sites. And that is the reason natural things were not allowed to get that designation for a long time, originally it wasn’t its goal.



Use WSL on the laptop for ssh, that’s actually a VM. VM separation should work correctly, or we have a much bigger problem. Just reset WSL, everything should be wiped related to the ssh sessions. Work IT would maybe allow that.


Do we have an extension apocalipse again, or is it a “bump supported version” type update?


You don’t “submit changes to the osm team”, you are actually editing the live map. Reviewers can revert changes, but there isn’t some process a change must go through, everything is live. Most apps don’t use the live data, but regular snapshots of it, that’s why it seems like there is some processing behind the scenes, but it’s up to the renderers and apps, not by osm.

Answering your question: OM is an app for navigation, and using the map, functionality for contributing data is very minimal and limited. SC is an app for contributing, nothing else, e.g. you can’t plan a route there. If you want to contribute, use SC. If you just navigating with OM and notice something is missing, use OM, if it’s quicker than opening another app.


One of them is a laptop, why ssh to the server isn’t an option? Set up tmux on the server so it always connects to the same session, so you can just continue where you left last time. If you need desktop support, rdp in gnome works really well.

E.g if you connect with this command, and tmux is installed on the server, it will start a new session named “main”. If a session with that name exists it will connect to that:

ssh -t pi@ tmux new-session -A -s main

Add something to .bashrc on the server to always do the same if you work on that phisically:

if command -v tmux &> /dev/null && [ -n "$PS1" ] && [[ ! "$TERM" =~ screen ]] && [[ ! "$TERM" =~ tmux ]] && [ -z "$TMUX" ]; then
tmux new-session

OP posted this toot with this image revently in a different comunity:



Was it even a goal? Mastodon can be used for internal communication, e.g. https://social.kernel.org is only for linux developers, and I know a local university where they have a defederated mastodon instance where every student automatically got registered.

If they just needed it for posting news maybe simply having a profile on one of the big instances would be enough. I see they had only 270 users.


It sounds to me as a documentation issue, as the next comment says, simply including a wget script should solve this.
