And ofc this ruling will not be protested or opposed as much as the last one will be
Europe hasn’t politically recovered from the last few refugee crises, nor have national collectives been able to properly integrate or adjust to the fact they’re there, it’s been ran as a pressure point, and adding even more pressure will certainly enable those politicians to hit this button with greater effect.
I don’t fucking understand why no European leader is looking at what Israel is doing with realpolitik and go “why the fuck are you creating another migrant crisis”, unless that is exactly what they want, to get power for themselves. Urgh.
Haha you are in my fortune cookie
Sorry to jump in on an unrelated thread; that last reply you made to me (about your tally) is under a post that has now been deleted. You mentioned you’re gonna make a final tally and a mega thread on election day; will those be in politics@lemmy.world?
Just confirming here, since I don’t wanna touch the ghost reply in my inbox, since lemmy doesn’t seem to like that situation very much
Omg thanks for the update on this, I bookmarked the last version, and tbh now I’m just inclined to follow your analysis, since then I can compare it to election-day counting performance and see what I can hope for, kinda cutting through the noise
PA is the kingmaker here, plus another state, and that’s what imma focus on if imma doomscroll/look, cuz holy fuck this election is raising my blood pressure
Obamna prisom
Ah yes hello pattern screamer
…The Guardian?
The fact that the guardian is now at a point where they’re calling out their lies should be a cause of concern imo, if other news outlets are not doing it, since the guardian is often anything but fact-checkers or “on the right side” of a majority of these kinds of stories
Beginning vs end of inside out 1