A little remarked side effect of time travel is that it causes infatuation (Kirk, in “City on the Edge of Forever”) and horniness (Spock, in “All Our Yesterdays”). La’An experienced both!
Edit: I forgot about Bashir and Jadzia in “Trials and Tribble-ations” but honestly they just seemed to be acting in character!
TOS “The Empath”
I hang out at my local game store once a week. I’ve timed the following playlist to fit the commute!
- Status Report
- How Would That Feel
- I’m Ready
- I’m the X
- We are One
- Subspace End Credit Medley
If it is a promotional image from the studio, I would imagine it said something like “Star Trek Now on Fridays” originally. I think “pon farr” wouldn’t have yet been well known enough to mention.
I think I’d suggest a planet-of-the-week episode. From TOS, “This Side of Paradise” or “A Taste of Armageddon.” From TNG, maybe “Who Watches the Watchers” or “Up the Long Ladder.”
I love this! Now you need to do an analysis like this one on Star Trek and the Bechdel-Wallace test!
I realize you’re not trying to predict quality, just personal enjoyability, but I do wonder how it relates to quality.
I actually think it might be slightly more predictive of the quality of a show overall than of individual episodes. But both ST:TOS and ST:TNG have many great captain-centric episodes that I’m not sure if it is predictive of episode quality particularly.
Thanks, that sent me Googling. “KIM: I’ll try extrapolating the verteron exit vector. No, I can’t get it. There’s a strange phase variance in the radiation stream. We’ll have to wait until the probe exits.” Episode 6 (another wormhole?!) http://www.chakoteya.net/Voyager/106.htm