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That it’s the advocacy group trying to hold Biden and Harris accountable for the continuation of the atrocities in Palestine saying this should make it clear. The actual people on the ground may feel strongly about Palestinian civil rights, they know where their bread is buttered and that the other realistic alternative in this election is “Orange Hitler”, to use another poster’s euphemism, is just plain horrible.


And the fun part is these aren’t my words. These are the words of the “Uncommitted” faction that wants to hold Democrats’ feet to the fire. They’re saying that at the moment, there’s bigger fish to fry – a MAGAt movement that would make everything Team Blue has done look like child’s play in comparison. So, Mr. Give Some Fucks isn’t just arguing with me. He’s arguing with the guys and gals actually advocating for Palestinians.


I can get behind this. Sure, we can criticise Team Blue for slow-dragging their feet on protecting Palestinians. Never said we couldn’t. That said, there’s clear consequences to a Trump victory. The Uncommitted have made it clear they grasp this and ask you to vote for Harris, even if they can’t endorse Harris. Staying home, voting third party, or heaven forbid, voting Trump will just make things in the Middle East FAR worse.


No. A losing campaign looks like 2021-01-06. That’s what a losing campaign looks like. It ain’t over until the fat lady sings. Republicans are disenfranchising known Dem voters, making it hard to vote for people they suspect won’t toe the line, and have people out singing the praises of alternative Left-Wing candidates to everyone who will listen, taking advantage of the ‘the Left has to fall in love, the right falls in line’ factor. Check your registration. Check the last day to register and check your registration again on that day (at least, I’d check weekly until the last day). Make sure your address is correct and you have the proper things to jump through flaming hoops and moats filled with crocodiles because Team Pepe WILL throw that shit in your way. And make a plan to vote. You got to get your vote for Harris (and nobody else other!) locked in on or before election day. Deliver a resounding no to Team Shitgibbon!


Here’s the receipts:

I’m not sure. Should I report my own post to get it in front of the moderator’s eyes, or just keep these posts whenever we start talking about this poster.

Thanks for digging those up.


True, you might be right, but at least calling it out calls people like Jordon Lund to attention. I noticed after he caught flak from me, he started more directly challenging people like this poster. Maybe pointing out to him how this Socialist Berserker said similar but different things to one comment within minutes or even seconds of each other might just be the ammo they need to actually call a spade a spade. That said, if they don’t, we have the receipts and we can point to them over and over again every time posters like this one spew this kind of malarkey. :)


Call that out! Report it. If they make it easy for us to see, we should sure call them out on it.


I do think you’ll disappear after election day. If you’re smart and you lose, you should disappear after election day, because we will point out once again, that like the past 59 elections, Third Parties won zip and accomplished zip. But I see you’re looking forward to proving me wrong, and all you have to do is like tag me or some such shit, at which point, I’ll call you a loser and/or a jerk and be done with it, even if the mods remove that post. You see, Mr. IMMA VOTE THIRD PARTY HUR!, my job is to only counter your bull until the election. Once it’s done, I’m done with you, at least until the next election comes up and you start doing Putin’s and Trump’s (or whoever replaces him, hopefully) again. I could literally block you the day after the election and nothing of value would be lost at that point. The only reason I entertain you now is I don’t want anyone buying your bullcrap here. Debunking your constant spew is a full time job, though, which is why I don’t respond to everything you post.

Oh yeah, and I forgot to address the Trump thing. You see, if all you did was vote Third Party, I couldn’t actually call you out because that would be your little secret. But you’re not just planning to vote Third Party. You’re here and presumably other places literally spewing out one post ever 18 or so minutes day in and day out screaming how Third Parties are good. Your third party vote is roughly 1/20,000 of the end result in a swing state. But peddling the BS that you can vote Third Party without concern? That could convince a lot of people. I’m trying to do my part to counter (not shut down, counter) your bull so that people in a close swing state won’t subject everyone in this country, including my Black bisexual pagan goth wife, to Project 2025…

I will never be friends with people who want to subject me and people I care about to Project 2025…


Nah, I’ll just tell you you’ve got a weird obsession if Harris wins, and rightfully point out that you led us to getting Project 2025 with your dumb vote if Trump wins.
