Did Dyson gift her yet ANOTHER vaccum cleaner? This over consumption is so gross. How many vaccum cleaners and crap of hers is just sitting in a landfill somewhere?
While I don’t stand for some of the more harassing comments, I don’t think the whole sub should be punished because of a few people. How do we know some of them weren’t bad actors from their camp? The mod said that she wasn’t able to delete all the comments in time (I wish she had asked for more help but it is what it is).
Should we have another page for Jillian Harris? These women so clearly have TIME on their hands if they’re going to these lengths! LOL.
I actually don’t mind the thrifting as I often hear that thrift stores have more than enough goods and a lot of it ends up being thrown out anyway but she definitely should be supporting smaller stores. We have several in my city that are operated by charities, for example.