Two reasons.
- Because you don’t get what you want out of life by running from pain, you just have to embrace the suck.
- Because I’ve had chronic back pain for the past ~20 years and there’s nothing my doctors can do about it, my only alternative to pushing through the pain is to make myself unable to feel pain anymore, and despite the pain I still quite enjoy life.
As good as can be expected after getting perma-banned on reddit for violating rules with multiple accounts just hours before my 7-day temp ban for ‘encouraging violence’ was lifted on appeal, despite only ever having had 1 account in my entire 14 years of using reddit.
I just arrived today myself, after being temp-banned for 7 days for some bullshit reasons that the appeal team agreed were bullshit so they unbanned me, but not before someone else perma-banned me for violating the rules on ‘my other accounts’ – I’ve had a single reddit account for the entire 14 years I’ve been there, I don’t even make throwaways, so, even more bullshit. I appealed that one too, but even if it’s overturned I’m not sure I’m going back. They’ve gotten real fucking fashy all of a sudden with the censorship, banning people for upvoting shit and calling it ‘inciting violence.’ Fuck 'em.