Theme are related to Desktop Environnement/Window Manager (KDE, Gnome, BSPWM,…) not distro
So as long as the theme is available for yours, you can get it on Debian or Arch it doesn’t matter 😉
Edit : yum13241 makes a good point
You (and everyone else) were previously able to vote on bug. However, devs doesn’t really care about those vote. A bug was not prioritize because of it’s amount of vote which was confusing for some users. So, vote was disable entirely, hence why you receive those email
They usually estimate the severity themselve or bump it if they see a lot of duplicate (doesn’t mean you should duplicate on purpose)
There’s a difference between a severe bug and a bug that a lot of people would want to see resolve.
But at the end of the day, keep in mind they all dev do it because they want to, nobody force them, so we should be glad to have what we already have imo
Basicly :
- go to your locale repo
- git checkout master
- git pull
- git checkout ‘your feature branch’
- git rebase master
And then you’ll maybe have to resolve merge conflicts
They’re a ton of guide showing how to deal with this if you need
2 things :
- It’s fairly new
- it’s pretty complex
Let me explain a bit more :
Since it’s that new, I’m “afraid” that this won’t last and would prefer something more future-proof, like LaTeX (won’t implement it either, see point 2)
Klevernotes is focus on Markdown, I like to add some small “extensions” here and there, but I would like to keep the general feeling of markdown, typst or LaTeX are both to different from markdown imo.
Note : I might implement KaTeX (would be useful for my math class lol) but I didn’t made enough research about it to make it something certain
Edit : typst looks really cool and I might use it for personnal use, but not inside Klevernotes :-)