We should do this here in the USA too because American food companies make garbage food where everything has high fructose corn syrup and 50 other highly processed ingredients while the European equivalent has 5. Whenever anyone comes to the US, they always put on weight while not changing eating habits. That, along with shrinkflation and a number of greedy practices, I’d like to see these companies all go bankrupt.
It’s a jack of all trades for sure, but it also has features paid software doesn’t, like it’s 2d animation system with Grease Pencil. There are also paid extensions on BlenderMarket and the like that make it more competitive with more specialized features in other software. Extensions are GPL licensed, so I’m happy to pay for them as opposed to the rest of the toxic CG ecosystem where everything is subscription-only.
I wish all paid software were GPL. It’s nice buying something and being able to look at and change the code, write code that calls their code, or even snag a bit of it for to use in your own thing.
I love my Steam Deck and Proton, but it pisses me off how many Steam games are spyware / DRMware and won’t start without internet on this PORTABLE console, and especially that Valve allows this kind of toxic shit.
So, my Steam Deck stays blocked from the internet in my firewall and I buy from GOG when available or get them from other places.
Also, Gabe can STFU about piracy being a service problem until Steam bans DRM and spyware.
Convincing your employer to reduce AWS costs, or better yet, go with a different cloud provider would likely have more financial impact than boycotting the portion of the company that represents a smaller percentage of their operating profit.
Wait until the 15th to order everything you were going to order this week. That will show them!
I considered something like this at one point, but I ended up installing OpenWRT on my existing router instead because what I ultimately wanted was more flexibility, and was concerned about a single point of failure. Now, I have the ability to do things like always run certain devices through a VPN, block specific devices from the internet with a firewall, as well as DNS for self-hosted stuff.