That fucking state…lmfao. Back in the aughts I lived in KCMO and often had to bootleg titty mags and beer with higher alcohol content than 3% into it for friends. I have no idea why they’re so entrenched. I suspect oil companies have something to do with it?
He sucks and we all knew that. But here’s the fucked up thing…
Imo, this is the first documented fake “journalist” embedding themselves in what is essentially military aggressions on the mil’s own soil and pretty much against its own people. We see these turdbags embedded with the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan (Geraldo was never a real journalist)… and this is kind of like that. We are now at the point where the right feels comfortable enough with this shit to start televising the abuse on groups of people they hate.
500 billion… of H1B1 visas. Great work, MAGAs.
Why can’t being an old shitty twat be an incurable fatal disease?
This 2020 meme popped up in my memories today …
Bing’s Copilot and DuckDuckGos ChatGPT are the same way with Israel’s genocide.
His son in law said it from the get go