This works just as well as gboard!
Open source or not, my question is, is my typing data consumed by Google in this context? I’m not an expert in the realm of android libraries and their connectivity or lack thereof, but I’m fine with using a closed source library knowing the data stays on my device.
Okay, when you’re having issues with an SD card not formatting, I always try the following steps first. Open powershell or cmd prompt in admin mode then try:
list disk
select disk <YOUR SD CARD NUMBER>
create partition primary
format quick
Then give it another go. This will often resurrect dead drives/cards/USB sticks or reset them back to their old capacity when it displays wrong.
Check out startpage in search options. It indexes Google results anonymously. It’s in the settings under search engine…
Too weird for me. I like it here now. That gave me the willies.