What stopped them from training and arming new soldiers for the last 3 years?
There weren’t any real problems with training and arming soldiers after first two-three months and there were and still are huge problems with vehicles and armor, and aircraft.
Which were promised in huge quantities but materialised in much-much smaller numbers. All the while politicians said how they will give Ukraine 10, 20, 40 billions of usd (meaning that they will buy whatever great white masters deemed necessary from oldest hardware available at premium prices and with military markup). It’s so fucking disheartening.
ooh scaaary! interpol is one of the least effectice organisations in the world and has close to zero real power. So fighting “piracy” and other “crimes” like this is one of the few things that they can do or pretend to do.
selling one game for 30 years
But will he really take all responsibility?
Fuck russia, and their suicidal and genocidald monkeys. Fuck china, and their racial segregation, genocide, and forced fucking sterilisations. Fuck every second asian country for being smaller china at best. Fuck americas for being unable to not make the most retarded choice out of given. Fuck yurop as well.
I did, two times. First was when woman had some problems with spine and skin so she looked weird and moved weird add to it my shortsightedness and it was weird/creepy. Second time I was going back home at 3 am after drinking, and there was a guy that was walking in my direction in the unevenly lit underpass and he had no face. I was like don’t scream like a little girl it’s alcohol probably. Then I understood it was a guy who learned to wear helmet on a moto the hard way of being human chalk piece.
It means nothing “do not track” never worked.
So it wasn’t really about attestation or security. I am really shocked!
sleeper fatty <3