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Ah alright. My point is OP is asking what can be done in other distros that can’t be done in Mint and your answer was have the entire configuration be in plain text. I completely agree that if you want that kind of reproducibility NixOS is the most refined, well established, and best way to handle this. However to answer OP I would say this is possible in Mint but just much more painful.


Why not? Isn’t this the whole concept of Bash Script, Ansible, Terraform, etc… I mean it can be as simple as a git repo that pulls down an install script then syncs your dot files. What am I missing? If you’re referencing Nix, you can also have that on Mint.


Am I so old that I am misremembering or is this meme like 25 years old. I feel like I saw this image in the late 90s or early ‘00 slowly load over my 56k.


I think this kind of thing is great. The policies and procedures that have been developed for the internet are going to have flaws. The internet was/is a new technology in the big picture. You can’t expect the first few drafts of how to run it to be perfect. There are going to be exceptions, edge cases and inconsistencies in any system designed to run indefinitely. This is a bug, IANA will turn it into a feature.


Read my many other replies. That’s not my point, not what I am saying. Maybe I said it poorly but I am saying that people don’t bother to learn about the people they are so offended for.

People are screaming racist about a guy who does this for over a decade as a living. This is a Tuesday for this guy, nothing new, nothing shocking. It’s like being offended that a butcher kills animals, it’s in the name, he tears people down for money.

The republican party does this shit daily, this isn’t even the worst thing that group has done this week. The difference is this comedian is paid to make this shit up while everyone else actually means it.

What I have a problem with is people being offended on behalf of the people of Puerto Rico, because it smells of fake virtue. Like when people are offended at school shootings but nothing changes. Because PR has been suffering for a century and no one in the US cares or even bothers to learn the fundamentals of their culture, like for instance that Puerto Rican is a nationality, not a race. A huge amount of Americans don’t even realize it’s a part of US and that they are citizens.

Yet a mediocre roast comic makes some inappropriate jokes and now it’s time to pay attention to PR. I don’t buy it, a month from now no one will remember and PR will continue to be the bastard step-child of the US.


To give more information, the word country is a generic term for Sovereign State.

Here is a list of Sovereign States. Which you will not find Puerto Rico listed as it own Sovereign State but rather it will be listed as an inhabited possession of one of the 13 unincorporated territories of the Sovereign State (country) United States of America.

What makes a country a country is the agreement of surrounding countries that a specific land is a country. No other country on Earth considers Puerto Rico a Sovereign State (country). It also is not considered contested, or controversial. It is globally accepted that Puerto Rico is not a country, nor has it ever been one, as before it’s discovery by Spain it was part of early Taino tribes within the Caribbean islands and then forcefully colonized, before being given as a consolation to the United States by Spain in 1898.


When a citizen travels from Puerto Rico to Colombia what countries name is on their passport?


It depends on context, in the case of Puerto Rico it’s an unincorporated territory of the United States and is designated as a Commonwealth. Since 1953 due to resolution 748 the United Nations classified PR as non-governing territory of the United States. Technically PR hold both a Nation state and Commonwealth state according to the US federal government, but the Commonwealth or Territory designation takes precedence over the Nation designation. This is simply because the United States Federal government decrees it, which is why the subject is controversial among Boricuas, as many people feel they should succeed from the United States, while others are happy to be a territory or commonwealth of the United States as many have assimilated into American culture.

So on paper Puerto Rico could be considered a country, but in practice, due to the over site and will of the US federal government, Puerto Rico is a unincorporated territory of US citizens, who don’t have to pay federal taxes and have no representational within the rest of the United States, they can only effect their own internal governing body.

In many ways this is a travesty, but in other ways Puerto Ricans enjoy the protection of the US, both in defense and travel, as the US passport is very useful throughout the world, as well as economically due to the strength and stability of the dollar, without being constantly subjected to federal law.


Sorry to wake you, it’s okay just go back to sleep.


What seems like trolling to me is pretending to care about racism when all you’re really doing is jumping into a human centipede of unoriginal ideas that make the problem worse. Why does anyone actually care what a comedian says at a political rally. This is the 10th worst thing these people have said this week.

This country doesn’t give a fuck about the Puerto Ricans, they show it with the policies, their business practices, their racist subjugation and disregard for their culture. But yeah the dude who makes joke to tear people down is the problem. Do I need to also tell you that white supremacists are also invited to proud boys rally, that’s waters wet and fires hot. Big fucking shock this whole thing is.

This whole thread is people just saying stuff so that the other people will agree with them and wait for validation. It’s a travesty of modern human adaptation and it’s going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better.
