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“I’m so jealous of your bottomless cash flow”


I been free for a while, buddy. I never cared to play Farmville and otherwise I’d get bored in 20 minutes and leave, so now I have to login every three months and change the password to keep my account from getting stolen and then I’m gone again.

Notice that I am typing this on an open source Reddit clone that has probably sucked down 2 hours of my life tonight somehow.

So, like, all the addicts are over here, I hope facebook is handing out blowjobs or something and I just don’t know about it.

For real though, last time I went on FB there were AI generated panty shots of Jennifer Aniston for some crazy reason that shit’s getting interesting like a dead mall now.


This is the fundamental problem with protecting a candidate whose entire base is really big on guns, big on having guns on them, big on using every inch of their already permissive rights, and no matter what, the candidate’s rally is a highly likely place for them to flex their pieces, even if they can only wave them around in the parking lot.

You can’t just do the obvious thing and put rounds in everyone you see with a rifle. White girls are going to be out in the parking lot doing influencer dances with AR-15s. The muzzle might wave in Trump’s direction while she boot scoots. We don’t know what kind of orders that sniper had, but probably something along the lines of “look all these fuckers are going to be strapped if they can be strapped, stay chilly on the trigger and think twice, take no shots without orders.”

By the time anybody acted like a clear threat, the bullets were already flying. So what if he had a rangefinder? That doesn’t count as a “pull trigger now” level threat, not with this crowd. What an absolute bastard of a thing to provide overwatch for, you know?


I understand that this is a doomer sub but man. When you manage to get away from all this social media bullshit for a while then try to poke your head in you realize how relentlessly negative it is at all times, because nobody wants to actually do anything about anything, including go the fuck outside and forget about it for a bit, and everyone with any ambitions of sanity leaves.

Could we start discussing credible strategies to reverse this situation, or at least improve that number somehow? Absolutely the fuck not, never, ever ever. The shit is very literally crazy, I don’t know what I was trying to expect.

But this post is so much like the other posts on the rest of the site it took me a minute to notice where I was. Might as well stop acting like this is just one community, it’s everything.


I miss the internet where we tricked our friends into looking at a picture of a man’s gaping asshole with zero consequences instead of the one where you have to put a little manual strike through “tits” just in case somewhere an algorithm will autoban you for it.

Honestly who keeps doing that crap because things aren’t that locked down fuck sake.


I’ve started calling this stuff “commercial Leftism”. It doesn’t care if it gets results, and it absolutely will not look for a way to interface with the power structure to change laws or force actions. It just keeps running the same ineffective, counterproductive playbook again and again and again because all it cares about is attention, and never results.

This situation and Ukraine are both filthy with propaganda, the real thing, backed by governments or their adversaries, and they already caught The Guardian using a fake AI picture of a weapons cave under a Gaza hospital that isn’t real so why would I believe this? I can’t afford to intake anything about this war/genocide as actual information.


I stopped using upvotes/downvotes at all on Reddit. Unless you were on New, exclusively, it didn’t matter how often you got on Reddit, anything you were seeing was at least fifteen hours old. Any conversation was already done. Any up/downvotes you put in wouldn’t matter at all and probably just got ignored by the system. Anything you had to say would only appear to you, in reality it just dropped to the bottom of the sea, never again to be seen. Thousands had already spoken, somehow, and you were just walking through a snapshot of the past, already said and done.

For now, it’s much smaller here. Sometimes I find myself upvoting a post just to let the person know that somebody actually came in here and gave a fuck about what they had to say, that they aren’t talking to themselves in an empty room.

It makes sense to care a bit more, for a lot of reasons. We’ll see how long that vibe can sustain itself.


I’m sure you get it, but this is kinda for whoever is out of the loop on this.

Yeah, right now the meta for pro-choice women is to delete and remove all period tracking apps under the assumption the apps will snitch directly to the government on you, so that, say, Texas lawmakers will know if your period is overdue, and thus you are expected to be possibly pregnant. Then, if that data leads them to certain conclusions, they assume an abortion has happened, and they want that fully criminalized.

It is not unlikely to expect an incarceration in order to “protect the life of the baby”, even if you have made no move toward abortion, but once the tracker app and its data tell the patriarchy that you might be pregnant, all bets are off.

Even worse is that sometimes a woman’s period is just irregular, or even disappears for a time, especially if she’s on some serious athletics and a tight diet, so there’s a lot of room for false positive “pregnant” results with possible felony charges on the line, over the fucking tracker app on your phone.

The same situation drives the daughter’s actions, doctors will often snitch, and the problem of anti-choice doctors getting you incarcerated because they think you might be pregnant is well known.

Basically this information is now expected to be used to monitor for pregnancy, possibly by law enforcement directly, and it becomes very compromising, especially for a teen girl who already lacks the rights she needs to take herself away from unwanted situations and states. She also likely wants to normalize this behavior for herself, so that others wanting to hide pregnancy do not set off “red flags” when they try to maintain privacy.


Right when we literally need to chill, they keep inventing nonsense that is somehow worse. Crypto is literally just machines wasting energy on purpose to create false scarcity, it was already a worst case scenario for truly pointless excess emissions but by god, they managed to top it, this place is going to be a raisin with dead oceans.

Of course, anyone who does anything less than suck the dick of this AI is a reactionary ignorant peasant, at least with crypto everyone agreed it was lame, now we’re back to the iPhone fuck-you-only-change-allowed-keep-up-granny bullshit that lead to everyone but you knowing everything about you, so they can exploit and even criminalize the behavior your phone tells them about. Never the change we need, though. Just whatever makes your stupid line go up.

I guess. Glad I’m not having kids. That’s the only fucking downward pressure on future emissions that’s happening, on any meaningful scale. I can’t wait to see what sort of shitty boilerplate copy and fake fucking pictures makes all this CO2 worthwhile. I’m sure the problem is me, and my Luddite, unseasoned irrational fear.
