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wtf this was so much hotter than i thought it would be from the name


i can’t speak for all vulva’d people, but… i feel like that’s mostly a porn thing.

the amount of times i licked my hand before masturbating: once, to see if it was good. it wasn’t (and i find it kind of gross. no offense to ppl who are into it tho). and i masturbate a lot

pre-transition, getting it wet wasn’t even that hard. why would i use spit for that lmao. i mean some people might have that issue, right, but i’d still rather just use lube if that were the case

i think it’s just supposed to be hot for whatever reason


not a doctor, but my experience as a trans guy has led me to believe that getting off isn’t really a function of hormones so much as it is nerves. hormones help arrange some things (e.g. vaginal lubrication) that can make getting off easier / more enjoyable, but with enough patience, time, and comfort, you can more or less get off with the same intensity post-transition as one did pre-transition

although transmasc hrt does open up some new ways to get off that your kid will probably enjoy a lot lol


so my answer to this is pretty layered bc i’m a trans guy and the sensation for both has changed since starting testosterone

pre-transition, i liked anal but it was a lot of trouble for the reward and vaginal was super easy / pleasurable all the time (i was lucky and can orgasm from vaginal penetration, it used to be how i preferred to get off)

post-transition, anal is still a ton of work to prep for (esp given i consistently have gut issues)… but it’s a WAY more pleasurable experience. i tend to re-discover it maybe twice a year. i’m not exactly sure what’s caused it to become so much more intense (seriously, i get super shaky and wobbly nowadays), maybe testosterone made the nerves grow there more? i dunno

but also, post transition, vaginal is a lot more difficult (dry / sensitive) and i have to work pretty hard on getting warm enough to enjoy myself. i really have to be in the mood and have a lot of time on my hands and… well, sometimes it’s hard to come by


i’ve edged for maybe a couple of days but it always leads to me being pent up and unsatisfied when i finally get off. so i try not to edge for that long and i always get myself off before i’m done. granted, on the other hand, i can always cum more than once. wondering if anyone else is like me


how into masturbation do y’all get? (genuine) i’m not really working my imagination for this, i’m pretty much just exercising a mechanical function here… don’t get me wrong, i enjoy the hell out of it. but the porn is pretty much just another type of stimulation for me, i’m not really invested in it

if i’m imagining something, it’s usually a more involved type of simulation (e.g. penetrative / prostate play)

but if i’m just exercising my dick with a stroker? it’s kinda just mindless fun


lollll i’m not a lady, but i did once have tits big enough to do it, and… i dunno if you ever heard someone talk about sucking their own dick before, but i’ve always heard it described as “more like sucking a dick, than having your dick sucked”… it’s not bad, but the contortion required often impedes the pleasure, also. but maybe my tits just weren’t big enough?

regardless, they’re gone forever now!


well i mean yeah. but unionizing would be the thing to do about it. it’s just hard because people are scared for their job and scared to be out of a job right now, so they don’t want to take the risk. even though it’s fairly obvious that it’s a bigger risk not to…
