

1 posts • 38 comments
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Wtf is this? Israel won’t exist in 10 years? The Arab world won’t accommodate them?

They are on better terms with much of the Arab world than they have ever been. They are certainly on better terms than Hamas is. Hamas has Hezbollah and Iran (Persian not Arab). Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Morocco, Bahrain, and Sudan all have formal relations with Israel. Turkey had long had formal relations with Israel.

And for most of those that are adamantly against Israel aren’t exactly in the position to really start something that they know would escalate to US involvement. You think Iran is going to Nuke them or something? Because Israel is rather established.


who the fuck is Burning Bush?

-Moses probably


That sounds like a human doing a bad impression of a cat meow. It’s amazing and has improved my day.


You realize that all peace talks have failed, because the Palestinian governments refused any deal that required them to recognize Israel’s right to exist. Every deal.

And before that, when Israel accepted the offer by the British, the Palestinians didn’t accept it because the surrounding countries essentially said they would kill all of the Jews in Israel and take the entire area. Which they tried. Twice. And lost. Twice. And in the ceasefire terms, those countries granted Israel those disputed territories. Actually much more than they currently have, as they gave back most of it to Egypt in peace talks with them.

Palestine could have been a country many times over. But they do not want peace. They wants the whole of Israel.

And during all of those time, things have just gotten worse. And the hatred between the two sides grows. But the only thing that has stopped Palestine from being a country is the fact that the governments of Palestine believe negotiations start and stop at having it all.

So tell me, how does anyone free Palestine?


You realize the attacks are coming from Gaza where Israel did pull out, and then the people immediately elected a terrorist group to lead the country. That group then put the destruction of Israel as one of their main platforms.

I mean if anything this is showing why Israel doesn’t withdraw from the West Bank.

7 points

This might be my favorite meme of the month. There is a problem though. How often do they actually talk to people to end up in this quandary?

I kid. All the love to my vegan arch users. Or arch using vegans. Whichever one you prefer.

4 points

Language changes over time and words don’t mean the same thing forever. The entire purpose of language is to communicate. So if you have a Mac and say you are a PC user, you are failing to use language well. Apple themselves helped facilitate that change. It can be less consistent with Linux on a PC, I agree. But language is an evolving meme (as per the original definition of meme, not the cat photos). And to not acknowledge that is like being a young earth creationist with language.

Do you also argue that anyone who is happy is part of the LGBT community?


The most frustrating thing is when you get that time you want but no access to the things you’d like to do with that time.


Ha. Hu ha ha. Ha. Hahaha.

Money has value because it is an efficient medium to facilitate trade. Specific forms of money have value because of what backs it and it acts as a medium for trade. And yeah I’m sure what society really values will at some point be a money that limits the ability to deal with economic crises. Or that slowly disappears, because privacy Bob didn’t believe in banks but his SSD failed, or because Crypto Karen forgot her password. Or a hacker loots an exchange.

I mean, it’s not like those are fundamental problems that could bring an economy to it’s knees right? But hey, at least the money has privacy (it won’t) and we don’t have to worry about inflation (deflation on the other hand…).


Honestly this is what pissed me off about the reaction to cyberpunk bugs. I remember how the fallout games were at launch. And I think even now trying to play new Vegas on Xbox (360 I think?) Has an issue if your save file gets too big where the save will corrupt.

CDPR definitely over promised. But every business does. They probably should’ve not released on last gen consoles at all, but that is tricky as fuck. I mean when they started to dev cp2077, I doubt Sony and MS even had dev units for next gen. Probably should’ve delayed last gen release only, made a transparent explanation and apology, and did what they ended up doing after release. But I had a low mid tier PC that played it at a solid 60 fps without major issue at launch. And it was exactly what I had hoped.

I’ll probably also really like starfield, warts and all, when it drops. These are just my type of game.
