Neonazis, ok. Fighting against neonazis, not ok. Got it.
The way that’s worded implies that the only way it can hurt Windows is if Windows sucks. Subtle and true. Do better Microsoft. Or don’t. We don’t care, we’re just doing our own thing.
Guantanamo Bay. Abu Ghraib. Proved to me that we were the baddies back in 2002. This is not a revelation.
You want kids to take risks while playing? OK then, make it so that the medical bills don’t bankrupt whole families.
This comic is propaganda and misinformation.
You’re not a real linux user unless you’ve read the source because the documentation was inadequate.
I can translate. Someone told them that being infected with covid was effectively equivalent to being vaccinated, and they took that the wrong way. The rest is just fear of things they don’t understand.
Of course they know his name, it’s John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. His name is my name too!
This is the real reason for the ban.
“National security” just translates to “public opinion of the war(s)”
That’ll do it. There’s no way Trump would ever disregard a law.