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To pay for sex is a form of exploiting; the consent is not really free. There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, and I think that the exploitation of sex workers is one of the worst.

But morale is very subjective, and sex work is a very complex matter, where a lot of people, most of them women, work in very dangerous conditions and in situations of extreme need.


Almost all the citations use quotation marks except this one:

The Palestinian health ministry says at least 36 Palestinians were killed - 21 from Jenin governorate - in that time. Most of the dead have been claimed by armed groups as members, but the ministry says children are also among those killed.

The bolded text (normal text in the article) seems to be genocidal misinformation/propagana. I don’t belive that the PA (or Hamas) health ministry said that phrase.

To compensate the exces of quotes to the IOF, this is the statement of the PFLP:

🔴 Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine:

The martyrdom of Turkish-American activist Aisha Ezgi is a continuation of a long series of occupation targeting all free voices.

- The martyrdom of the Turkish-American activist, Aisha Noor Ezgi, after being shot in the head by occupation forces near Mount Sbeih in the town of Beita, south of occupied Nablus, is yet another Zionist crime added to the occupation’s black record of targeting foreign activists in solidarity with our people.

- This crime brings to mind a long series of crimes committed by the occupation against international solidarity activists, from the assassination of American activist Rachel Corrie and British activist Tom Hurndall in Rafah, to the attack on the “Mavi Marmara” ship breaking the siege, which led to the martyrdom of ten activists, among other continuous attacks and practices against those in solidarity.

- The occupation continues to target anyone who stands for justice and defends our people, further proving that this entity poses a threat to all of humanity and every free voice striving for justice, not just to the Palestinian people.

- The Front calls on all the free people of the world to unite efforts to confront this zionist, U.S.- and Western-backed usurper entity, and to work on documenting these crimes as war crimes against humanity, contributing to enhancing international efforts to isolate this rogue and rejected entity, and to prosecute its leaders as war criminals before international courts.

The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine 
Central Media Department 
September 6, 2024


Not only Christianity was a very reactionary piece of shit in the imperial European genocides abroad, also it was locally. During two centuries, the popular classes of Barcelona (Catalonia) burned churches periodically with reason: the Catholic Church was the bigger landlord, has almost a monopoly on education, used forced labour (mostly women) that competed with the few remunerated work that society lets women do, did forced processions with head-shaved women —forced to work and live for them for crimes as have extramarital children, try to give up with his raping husband…—, and more…

fck religion


From wikipedia:

Charlene Alexander Mitchell (June 8, 1930 – December 14, 2022) was an American international socialist, feminist, labor and civil rights activist. In 1968, she became the first Black woman candidate for President of the United States.[1][2]


This article is a not sense. There is not a monopoly of identity: a lot of corporations and big tech have an ID about us or, at least, about me.

Also, in my case, the state have paid most of my education, my healthcare, the street where I live… nor google not other big tech have paid a dime for it.

The critic in the article has his points, but the proposed solution—using capitalist enterprises to issue IDs—is nonsense. We will lose track of people from a fiscal point of view, and it will not solve the problem of the people that not any corporation would issue an ID.


Debian has a list of vendors who sell it in a media (USB, DVD…), some of them also sell other distros.


It’s a problem at least in Barcelona and in their near cities. Youth people and most of the working class can’t pay the price to get a home there. A lot of housing has moved as a tourist service (airbnb… ) missing their social use.


Blame the Nazi Germans for making me become a gun designer … I always wanted to construct agriculture machinery.

-- Mikhail Kalashnikov

I am proud to have created a weapon that has become a symbol of resistance against tyranny.

-- Mikhail Kalashnikov
