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81 posts • 99 comments

The world is ugly.
We(sterners) have been the aggressors/‘bad guys’ for too many decades. We’re still the main(~only) obstacle to ‘world peace’/‘an union of diversities’. ♪ All we are saaying… ♬(, are we even trying ? we could/should/must protect them&us)

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God(&gods)( in the material world, but also) in the world of Idea(l)s(, and probably other worlds inaccessible to humans as well) :


The u.s.a. was already condemned in the case of Nicaragua and nothing changed and nobody knows that, in the very improbable offchance that Israel was condemned, they would just act like Russia when the International Court of Justice ordered them to leave Ukraine.
Let’s say that our medias talk about this improbable success and, even more improbable, support the ICJ and condemn Israel, everyone would just forget a month later. Sure, there’s nothing to lose by trying, but not much to gain either, it’s not the beginning of an effective solution, it’ll be the exact same shit as before.
And the ICJ wouldn’t even need to be considered the bad guy, the contradiction wouldn’t raise an eyebrow, but let’s say i’m wrong, have an hope in this if you want.

edit : That’s an exaggeration, those who hate Israel won’t forget such judgment and would remind us when they got the chance, that’s the difference i’m seeing, so you’re right to say that it’s not nothing to be able to label them officially as genocidal, it’d add a new argument/insult of choice.

That’s ~two every three years :


Somalia needs some support with Somaliland, and

Jamaica doesn’t give any certainty either :

And i don’t think Brazil would want to expose themselves as much as South Africa did(, nor China for that matter), more to lose than to gain, that’s justice. Bolivia probably only supported the case because Luis Arce has forbidden Evo Morales from being reelected and is trying to show that ~‘he’s not a traitor to the movement’ despite that.
Let’s say that they have a chance if you want though, it doesn’t matter because that’s not what would make a change, do they only have the option of a full-scale war with unknown consequences to do what’s right ? We’re just supposed to watch and then it’ll be as if nothing ever happened, ok.


Yeah, a buzzword with legal implications, Myanmar’s rebels are terrorists, good for them.


Videos of his arrival, and official venezuelan statement.

Arrested in Cap Verde the 12th June 2020, he was held in Miami since 2021 under the pretense of money laundering, Interpol notifications or arrest warrants were issued retroactively and, of course, diplomatic immunity wasn’t respected. Here :

And usual accusations of mistreatments.

In order to obtain his liberation, they had to : release 10 americans, extradite fugitive Leonard Glenn Francis, and release around 20 political prisoners from jail. (source), it’s as asymmetric as usual.

What’s less known is that apparently Qatar played once again a role of mediation :

The wiki page lacks a lot of the above information, but this extract is ~interesting, they’re seriously claiming that hungry people are easier to control and less prone to revolts, so they’re sanctioning the c.l.a.p. which was feeding the poorest of them :

I still think that evilness is a myth formulated by people refusing to understand/explain, and i’ll continue to think so even if we(sterners) exist.
As an example, the murderous Israel would indeed be safer by destroying Palestine once and for all, at least as long as their estimation of a lack of retaliation from their neighbours proves to be correct.


Massive defundings and privatizations in sight…

And :

And b.t.w., contrary to what is often said, the huge i.m.f. debt(, with an 8.07% interest rate, more than others,) is the responsability of the right, as usual :

more here


The title isn’t exact :

Moreover, their relations were only re-instaured after the western-supported coup by J.Añez :

(Here’s Colombia’s president 6 hours ago b.t.w., among other examples)

(no need to point out that it would be safer for them not to take position for//against any side. The article also spoke of Argentina, here’s an interesting 2mn-long point of view)


They claim to fight disinformation yet speak about a “technical glitch”, classic, just like cops lying on their depositions, what a way to set an example.
