I can’t believe no one has mentioned The Last Clockwinder yet. It’s a automation puzzle game in which you create clones of yourself and get them to all work together. It’s not too hard to progress in but makes it easy to try to optimize your solutions if you want. The theming and story is cozy too. Really great game!
Always has been.
Easy decision, I pay every time.
Elixir. It was strange at first, but once I got the hang of it I fell in love. It’s a really well thought out language with just the right amount of features, has surprisingly good libraries, and is just really versatile.
I’m surprised MegaCrit decided to make a straight sequel, even keeping some of the same characters and cards, considering the original game is already so good. I hope this means they’ve got enough new ideas to redefine the game and the genre it created, and not just be an expansion or shallow remix of StS’s content.