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The image was rotated properly when I posted it 😡


Offer a large sum of money to whom and for what? To an instance owner? Okay, take your instance, the users will migrate as soon as you start making changes that they don’t like and you can’t stop them. Also, good luck monztising it because either you have the same problem reddit had in that third party apps don’t show ads, or you disguise ads as content and now your users hate you and migrate away.

To the développers? To do what exactly? If it’s to make the source code private, tough luck not only are they not allowed to do that thanks to the licence, but also that would be literally impossible due to the amount of copies. If it’s to implement changes to make money, as soon as instance owners, who are users and are interested in not having their users migrate away from their instance, see that, they won’t update and someone will continue making something out of the last good copy of the source code, forking it.

There is effectively no path for someone to pay to take over lemmy, apart from bribing every user (and even that wouldn’t prevent me from taking the bribe and just going back to what we were doing)


Fun fact: I got annoyed by this and checked the code. It’s actually pretty smart! The dev just missed a case in which an image can get un-rotated back to landscape. They do this for your security because images can containe the GPS coordinates where they were taken and other privacy concerns inside them.


Davy Crockett weapon system moment


It’s a known bug. I sent the devs what they need to fix it but it’s taking a while.


Quick question: why? Why not choose to host a server in the US, near it’s “costumer base”?

If you’re doing it for the exercise, fine (though I think you’ll find that cloud flare is pretty hands-off and you basically just click a few buttons).

If you’re genuinely looking to improve cross-planet load times, I regret to inform you that a personal Lemmy instance is very much not a good target for this. A CDN works by hosting whatever parts of your site you can nearer to the people who will request them. For a huge company like discord, this means that when you upload an image to a server, they will sum up all users likely to load that image soon, find where they are and send a copy of that image nearby, saving on intercontinental traffic. They get to do this because they have many users, and they control the CDN (because they built it).

You on the other hand, are going to ask cloud flare nicely to do all of this for you. Since you aren’t paying, cloud flare is going to try to do this automatically and without cooperation from your software. This means that cloud flare will basically only try to cache parts of Lemmy that are static, so really only the page layout and that’s about it. Ultimately, the Lemmy website for your instance might load a little bit faster, but posts can’t be predicted and so those will have to go cross-continental on a cache miss.

The other advantage this affords is that anyone interested in taking down your instance will have to take it up with cloud flare. If the way they’re trying is brute force, they will fail where they would have succeeded against just your server. If their way of doing it is through legal threats, they might have better luck (though cloud flare tries to remove itself from a position where they have to police what their service can be used for, my opinion is that it is a matter of time before they are forced to).


Adding to the hetzner comment: I think AWS has free very crappy servers. If you’re a student, the Github Student Pack has free digitalocen credits.

In theory, cloud flare could pre-cache content before you request it. Unfortunately, that would require significant effort from Lemmy to let cloud flare know that there is new content, and then it would be up to cloud flare to decide to cache it for 1 client. Both these things aren’t happening.

CF needs to dynamically control where requests for your server end up, and for that they need to be the authoritative DNS for it.

Cloud flare indeed acts as a reverse proxy (because that’s how CDNs work), but unlike a self-hosted reverse proxy, theirs will be on their servers, so will not have much more more access to your network than yourself outside of it. I think they have some sort of offering to actually give your more access, but A) idk if that’s free and B) that requires an always-on computer in your local network, at which point why not just host your Lemmy instance on it?


Wasn’t aware of that since I both have my own server and happen to despise oracle but good for people who need cheap compute!
