

7 posts • 14 comments
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Thats pretty reasonable. I’m sure there are a ton of orphan accounts just lingering out there. Including accounts that other people may like to have.

All of these companies are tightening their belts. Those interest rates going up are sure making companies reassess their business models.


The part where he says it’s “mostly white people which is unfortunate” was an odd thing to say.

Doesn’t make white people feel very welcome I’d imagine.


The part where he says it’s “mostly white people which is unfortunate” was an odd thing to say.

Doesn’t make white people feel very welcome I’d imagine.


That combined with the lack of capitalization is off-putting for some reason. It grates on me and I can’t put my finger on why.


I game on Pop. I left windows on dual boot just in case, but I have only logged into Windows 2 times in 18 months and that was just to run updates because I realized I hadn’t logged in.

Since the Steamdeck came out, TONS more games work on linux.

Davinci Resolve works on Pop as well. You are kinda screwed with Lightroom and PS though.


My hot take:

Biden has been the best President we’ve had in 30 years.

He’s exactly who we needed when we got him. He got us out of Afghanistan. As much as a debacle as it was, he not Trump and not Obama pulled us out. His deft handling of the Ukrainian conflict where he used soft-power and influence to let the EU and NATO members come to decision to enact the super harsh sanctions themselves. Knowing that if the US pressed, they’d resist. It had to be their decision. He’s continued to say and do all of the right things. His attempt to forgive student loans his huge. Some of the measures worked even if all of them didn’t. He got the most meaningful infrastructure bill passed that I’ve ever witness. Neither Trump nor Obama could make it happen and Biden did it with a split Congress That infrastructure bill was also the most meaningful environment legislation that we’ve ever had That bill also paves the way for significant investment in our broad-band across the country Passed the Safer Communities Act …actual gun related legislation since the Brady bill. Again, with a split congress. Gave us our first public defender SCOTUS justice. This might not seem like a big deal but I think its pretty significant given the amount of case law that exists that, so far, hasn’t had a public defenders ‘say’ in it.

I could go on but I gotta go eat dinner.

People want to shit on Biden, but I actually like him. He’s not perfect, but he’s been insanely effective given everything he walked in to. Including him diligently and quietly rebolstering the executive branches that were gutted and had people leaving in droves in the last admin. Eg the Department of State. He’s assigned quality folks into key roles and its making a difference.

I voted for him without hesitation because well, the alternative was terrifying, but I was not expecting much from him at all. He’s surprised me.

edit: I literally can’t figure out how to make this a list. Sorry for the wordblob.


I went to a talk at the air and space Smithsonian museum in DC where Mike Brown talked about his hypothesis that “Planet X” is out there. Hes done some brilliant math and research and can show that a planet should be there, he just has to find it.

This was years ago and I haven’t kept up with it but I know he was trying to get time on the Subaru telescope in Hawaii to try and find it.

This sounds like very similar hypothesis-es? (Hypothesii ?)



I’m gonna throw this out there:

If Meta is going to join the fediverse (or implement something with activitypub) there is absolutely nothing we can do to stop them.

It’s an open protocol. They can use it.

The only thing we can do is force them to follow the AGPL and/or fork the code if they get crazy with change requests.
