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I am in the US, so Xometry was pretty economical for my needs. I had three top and three bottom plates cut from 1.5mm 5052 aluminum for $67 total, tax and (free) shipping included. I added in a laser kerf on the swillkb plate generator that probably wasn’t needed, as the switches are in there VERY snug. If you were doing a plate for hand-wiring, that’s not a bad thing, actually. If you need one to mate with a PCB, I’d consider leaving it off, but it could have been the specific shop or really anything. There is a bit of luck involved in this process, which is basically a crude form of prototyping.


Costco used to (still does?) sell these tubs of chocolate covered caramel macadamia nut clusters. Literally food of the diabetic gods. I had to stop buying them because they were expensive AF and disappeared way too quickly.


It was better than Crystal Skull because it didn’t quite so explicitly sci-fi the magic, the set pieces were a little better, and Helena was less annoying than Mutt, but both movies are sort of equally useless, and openly depressed Indy was VERY depressing. The character always had some undiagnosed mental health issues pushing him towards unhealthy risk-taking, but Mangold’s Indy just made me sad.


King Charles III said his thoughts and prayers were with the family of the young victim, and he saluted the courage of emergency workers, Buckingham Palace said.

“King Charles III” still sounds so weird to me. The last story I ran across with his name in it was about either Ireland or Scotland, I can’t remember which, and it took me longer than I care to admit to realize it wasn’t some sly Jacobite comment.



I’m not sure where it will live long term, but “southpaw” numpads are definitely a thing. They allow for mousing while doing data entry, and they mitigate one of the reasons some people do without numpads by allowing the shoulders to stay more neutral when the mouse is close to the right edge of the keyboard.


Don’t you mean Annie Mail?


A fox of the same species was found in a much older grave in another part of Argentina nearly a decade ago. It may also have been a pet but its diet was not analysed.

As usual, it’s more the article (and especially the headline) than the science. Here is the Abstract of the study.

It’s much more about the specific burial and the inferences that can be reasonably drawn about South America before the introduction of dogs from the north 5k years ago. It references multiple burials with non-dog canids from across time periods in S.A., including at least one from about 4k years ago, as well as many other remains scattered in with human burials. It seems to build on existing theorizing that pre-Columbian practices might have changed more slowly than post. Then there are the statistical arguments. If you occasionally find a fox in human burials, based on the number of human burials you didn’t find, you can feel pretty confident that there were more foxes buried with humans.


I fear that he’s going to under-perform his party, but still squick out a win. People dislike him almost universally, but the GOP folks who don’t respect him can still count on his vote and they know that he will kiss the ring to keep his job.

Also, I’ve decided “squick” is probably a good verb to use for most things that Ted Cruz does.


Yes, there is some similarity. You’re not wrong.

However, it’s much more likely to be due to the common experience of solo devs whose projects blow up than it is about bad actors on kbin.

If you’re so inclined, you can always check the profiles of those who were pushing for it and particularly those who were volunteering; the boehs.org link should supply some helpful red flags to look for. Ernest would be wise to check IP activity and even ask for IRL credentials of those he would consider giving any real level of access to. Beyond that, it’s firmly in the realm of “mildly interesting.”


I’m kinda sad to see it enshittify, for gamers and for those who find it fits their actual collaboration use case, but I also really hate the number forum-format communities that Discord has displaced or prevented from coalescing. Discoverability on Discord is terrible, as is having help available long term, as well as older advice and other content that helps newbies get the culture of a community. Even where the functionality exists, the general “real time” transitory feel of it reduces the quality of content and encourages people to be dicks, since it will all scroll by or be forgotten (if streaming) in a few moments anyway.

Horses for courses, and my old-ass X-ennial self thinks Discord has been pressed into service on a lot of courses where it’s terrible.
