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By old ways, do you mean in-person interviews and work?

Because I won’t lie, I do find it easier to collaborate, focus, and communicate with my coworkers in-person, as opposed to the days I work remotely (I do a combination of in-person and work-from-home). And while I think it’s unfair to be denied a job for not being sociable enough (I’m very much in the same boat), the overall idea of wanting employees who communicate with and get along with their coworkers better isn’t inherently wrong.


Since I’m a vegetarian, a common question I’ve been asked since I was a kid was “If you were trapped on an island and the only food was meat, would you eat it?”

Or something to that effect. It’s been asked dozens of times to me before and every time it’s asked, the person asking acts like it’s some novel thought experiment I haven’t considered before.

Not only is a situation like that extremely unlikely to ever happen, but if it does, the answer isn’t any more complicated than a yes/no

Another question I hate are all of those “Would you do for X sum of money? No? Then what if we upped the money? What’s the minimum sum you’d do it for?”

The most common example of “repulsive thing” is usually incest. And it’s just an annoying question that isn’t even entertaining to answer.


On the contrary, I find it to be pretty honest about the article’s contents. Clickbait implies it misrepresents the content behind it, or adds noise to it that exaggerates what the content entails.

The article itself is persuasive in nature and quite literally is intended to convince the reader to adopt some new product or service- in this case, Nobara. The author is of the opinion that the reader will benefit by switching over. The title reflects that.

“look at me, I’m using this and that and you must use it as well because everyone does and you’re missing out”

It doesn’t say you “must” use some alternative. Necessity isn’t implied anywhere in the title. And the fomo? Nowhere does it say everyone is using Nobara and you should adopt it so you don’t miss out. The article lists and elaborates on the arguments Nathan makes, which aren’t just an appeal to majority, and the title reflects that.

If you’re going to throw a fit over a title of an article be honest about how persuasive the content is and what the actual article is about, then that’s just childish.


The Super Mario Galaxy duology has the best overall OST in my opinion. The orchestral music is amazing for so many of the tracks.

For any individual song, however. It would be Weight of the World from Nier Automata. For context:


it’s the very emotional song that plays during the credits scene of the game, after you complete all 5 of the main endings

EDIT: I want to give an honorable mention to the Ace Attorney OST, across all of their games. A lot of people may know the Pursuit - Cornered theme, but every game in that series has banger tracks. Not as widely praised, and very underrated imo, hence the honorable mention.


I just stick a single line of HTML in the address bar and use that as a text editor. It’s just a giant test field taking up the page with a dark background and white text.

Useful if I just want to write text without any need to format it.


Having studied history of world leaders as a bit of a hobby, I’m more biased in that regard

But I’d go with Lester Pearson


Been listening to more of them recently, and songs like Dark Necessities have been stuck in my head lmao


Coldplay is among my favorite bands, absolutely agree there

A lot of people criticize the direction they’ve taken recently, and while I don’t keep up with their newest releases, Viva la Vida is still one of my favorite songs. And other tracks like Paradise, Sky Full of Stars, etc. will always be fun for me to listen to as well


I didn’t know Duran Duran was even disliked lmao

Been listening to Rio by DD as inspiration for a writing piece, and it’s a pretty good song imo


Going through the Red Rising series, which some of my friends praise immensely. Lightbringer just came out, though I’m only just finished Morning Star, book 3/6 in the series. Going to be starting Iron Gold soon. But until them, I’m reading 1984, which I just acquired a nice hardcover copy of.
