Most people would see it that way, yes.
You can see the AI’s process though. It split the query into two parts: [a red ball balancing on] a [white ball with a blue ball on top]. So it threw a blue ball onto a white ball, then balanced a red on top. I’m guessing sentence formatting would help.
Sure, we can agree on that depending on your definition of evil people. To target civilians indiscriminately is not a good thing, though. It’s bad when the IDF does it and it’s bad when Hamas does it. Resistance is not killing random people because of where they live, that’s terrorism. Resistance is fighting your oppressors.
I very much doubt that Hamas hand picked their targets on Oct 7. I doubt that those who died, or were taken hostage, were all evil people hellbent on eradicating Palestinians. They died and were taken hostage simply because of where they were at the time.
Hamas is the government of Gaza
Sure. When’s the last time they’ve allowed elections to occur, though? Dictating that you’re the government isn’t something someone who cares about their people does.
Calling them terrorists is using racial “Israeli” propaganda directed at all Palestinians
Nope. You can clearly see I differentiated Hamas from Palestinians. Yes, the Israelis look at all Palestinians as Hamas, as do many people in the West, but I’m not Israeli nor do I care what they think - so what they think doesn’t matter. There’s no Israeli propaganda in my comment, that’s your assumption based on…?
If your entire argument boils down to “Well you’re saying the same stuff as Israel is so you’re just spreading propaganda” then maybe you don’t have thoughts of your own, it’s all just the opposite of what Israel says. Israel is a terrorist state but that doesn’t mean every single thing they say is wrong. Hamas are terrorists, plain and simple. They invoke fear through violence.
Please educate yourself before sharing opinions
Let me know of all the benefits Hamas has brought to the Palestinian people and educate me. Nothing you wrote was educational or convincing. Hamas are still terrorists who are holding their own people hostage.
Hi, I don’t think it’s crazy to think the CCP owns (or rather controls) it, but I don’t think it even matters. They’ve clearly chosen to operate a certain way.
Big tech companies (fuck you Reddit) and governments will shout about the CCP and how nobody can trust that their privacy is respected on Chinese platforms (not disputing this), or how they censor dissenting speech, but then you see how those same invasive measures are implemented in a more subtle way on non-Chinese platforms.
I have an easier time imagining that it’s just lessons learned from the CCP and others regardless of the organization’s (fuck you Reddit) nationality. It’s a matter of money, or power, or both, because they (fuck you Reddit) have no values and will bend the knee to authoritarians so that they can operate in those countries and feed off of their people too.
He’s a political outsider. I’d love to hear about all of the political experience he has that don’t make him an outsider POLITICALLY. I’ll wait.
Mark Carney is 100% pro status quo, pro establishment, pro big business. We can agree on that without being so dramatic.
And if we can’t avoid being dramatic, then I’ll pose a dramatic question based on your response in a manner similar to your responses. If Mark Carney IS the system, then our problems go away if he’s not elected, right? After all, you said he IS the system, not a part of it.
Thanks for your well rounded contribution. Yes, in the context it was written, he is a political outsider. No need to be so sensitive about it.
I’m of the opinion he will be more of the same while being quieter about things than Trudeau was, but people sort of want some financial literacy within government and Trudeau’s Liberals were not that. Carney certainly wouldn’t be my first choice but looking at the other options it’s not rocket science to see why he was chosen.