People should read the first chapter of “The Ministry for the Future”. People will start dieing by the millions due to heat waves, it’s going to happen even if we stop burning oil now because of how long the feedback loop takes. Drilling more lengthens this trend into a future where billions die.
Between the lines: Tariffs are going to be used as a tool to transfer wealth from the bottom to the top. But there are some global players who want in on that action, so Trump is going to pick hand pick some winners in exchange for foreign policy.
What are the odds the Qanon Shaman not only gets a pardon, but a medal of honor?
One more link: where I discovered the term conviviality was a video from andrewism “we need to be more tech critical”: https://youtu.be/lV6JzroVr48
Something people need to understand is that technology is not a linear progression. We decide not only how it is used and for what purpose, but the actual thing itself. The technology itself can be thought in terms of conviviality, ie how adaptive it is to human intent. Chomsky points to CNC machines; how when they were developed they were done so with top down control in mind. Contrast that with how 3D printers have a trend of supporting more autonomy on the shop floor (print from computer over wifi or plug in a USB stick). While CNC machines of old have practically no thought for such things beyond safety and accuracy.
There are going to be two kinds of people: those who see value in AI and will pay market rate, and those who see AI for what it is and can create new value outside of what AI can produce. And you seem to think artists are inclined to do the first over the latter? Only the ones to be forgotten by history think that way.
This fucker is getting ready to retire so he is getting ready to blame ethics standards for his leaving. This is to justify even more flagrant violations by his to be named successor.