CPO Announcements


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crazypeople.online related news and announcements.

Things like planned downtime for upgrades and known issues will be posted here.

Community stats

  • 50

    Monthly active users

  • 8


  • 10


Community moderators



We strive to create a friendly general purpose instance for anyone to enjoy. Help us accomplish our goal by reading and following our simple rules.

  • Don’t spread hate.
  • Be civil to others.

We encourage the use of Lemmy’s blocking features to take control of your experience on the Fediverse. Don’t let a bad faith actor make a fool of you both. Remove them from your feed and report them if they’ve broken the rules.

Sound good? Consider joining us!

Need help finding communities or topics you like?

You can view and search the full list of communities our instance knows about here.

You can also search on Lemmyverse for thousands of communities our instance hasn’t discovered yet. Be sure to set your home instance to crazypeople.online so the links will open up here and you can subscribe to new communities more easily.

crazypeople.online is powered by 100% green energy from renewable sources, verified by thegreenwebfoundation.org.