This guy also doesn’t support free lunches for kids in school. Says the majority don’t need them, so we shouldn’t provide them at all.
I gotta say, you sure have some terrible takes, my friend.
When my kids were in elementary school so many of the students were on free or reduced price lunch they just decided to give every kid a free breakfast and lunch. And even though I could afford the lunches it was great because I didn’t have to get them breakfast before school and I didn’t have to make sure their lunch money account was topped up.
So even if you don’t need them they’re a really nice thing to have, IMHO.
Been researching me. Dishonestly representing my opinions. Poor.
I am totally in favour of free school lunches for those in need.
Do you support buying rich peoples kids lunch with tax money?
yeah, I do.
I was a kid on free and reduced lunch. there’s stigma around being poor enough to need it, and I was bullied for it. my home life was sufficiently dysfunctional that it could be the only food I ate that day, and there were still times I’d rather be hungry than bullied.
so in the interest of removing something kids can be bullied over, sure. tax the rich more, and let a relatively tiny bit of our taxes buy every child at least one meal a day.
-childless taxpayer
Let’s better use taxes to provide the service you clearly needed rather than just lunch. I can afford to buy my kids lunch. I don’t need poorer people’s taxes wasted buying my kids food.
I was also bullied at school. The removal of only one factor would have made no difference. I was bullied because they wanted to bully me.
I’ll assume I misread, it happens. However, kids are kids. Let them eat. How much their parents make doesn’t matter.
It works like uniforms. If everyone gets the same lunch, kids can’t manufacture conflict out of it. Stealing lunch money has always been a thing.
Yes, I support providing free school lunches to both rich and poor students. It removes the stigma of receiving free or reduced cost lunches.