For those of you that have yet to embark on your secondary education, this is how you know you’ve got a champ of a professor
Oh no, it also looks like I’ve spilled over there. What a disaster, don’t look at that mutual aid community for hard to find papers; it’s full of communists and anarchists. Next thing you know, they will be screaming Kropotkin quotes… Cannot have that kind of radical behaviour in a science community after all.
Oh goodness, looks like I splashed all over here:
I’m sure glad this isn’t a Music Forum
I know this is a helpful community, but it looks like the biggest scam site of all time lol
One of my professors wrote the textbook we were using. Before the first day of class, he sent out a greeting email. Attached to that email was a .PDF of the textbook. Hell yeah.
That’s really rare. Back when I was in school the professor who taught the class and wrote the book would, every year, change enough of it to sell a new addition. Either move the sections around or change the problems.
Just so he could make more money.
It was a calculus class.
Fuck him.
Oh man. In undergrad I had a Thermodynamics professor who used the DRAFT VERSION of his textbook to teach with. It was completely unedited and he expected us to catch any errors. He was also like 80 years old, doddering, hard of hearing, forgetful, didn’t give us a syllabus until halfway through the semester… It’s the only class in undergrad that I got less than a B in. Years later I still resent him lol
Ha hell yeah. My dad did adjunct work for a while while working for the gov. He declined profits from his textbook and gave it out free to his students as he thought it was unethical. The copies the gov bought for their cont ed courses he gladly accepted the profits from though lmao my dad’s a real one.