Interesting website to see what you personally perceive as “blue”
Yup, maybe because of computer graphics; I tend to consider Cyan, Turquoise and Teal as some kind of synonyms (or really similar to eachother); ususally I call it when there is almost as much green as blue “Cyan”
When looking at definitions, there are not the same colors, but are still all different shades of Green and Blue (I don’t personnaly recognize them well, so I consider them with the same name; like people call them Green or Blue here)
My rainbow wheel be like: Red - Orange - Yellow - Green - Cyan - Blue - Purple - Magenta - Red
Like for the pixels on your screen are RGB = Red, Green & Blue; and the paint in Inkjet printers are CYMK (Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, blacK)
Ah. Teal/Turquoise are the same to me: a blue green. Cyan is a neon light blue.
Cyan, #00FFFF:
Turquoise, #30D5C8:
According to your website, teal would be a darker shade of Cyan
Teal, #008080:
And by what I read #30D5C8, so Turquoise is a nuance near to Cyan, but grayer/desaturated (there is a bit of red), and a bit more towards green than blue (D5 > C8)
Cyan/Teal (darker cyan) are the true middle between Green & Blue, with exactly as much green as blue in it
According to your website, teal would be a darker shade of Cyan
Hmm… By just the numeric hex code, I agree, that makes sense. Just lowering the G and B values makes it darker. However, lowering BOTH G and B lowers B twice, since G can be broken into Y and B by color theory, so blue is removed proportionately more. So, somewhat disagree.
I still don’t think Teal and Cyan are the same. I’d say Teal and Turquoise are closer, in my eyes. I think Teal is darker Turquoise moreso than it’s darker Cyan.
But at the end, color is all subjective.