I have never seen mac and cheese in a can before and I am honestly mildly disgusted.
I live in the USA and can confirm never seeing this before.
Though I’d try it tbh
I mean Philly cheese steaks are made with canned cheese wiz, and then there’s salsa queso dip they sell in cans, and everyone loves that shit.
You can make that queso dip way better yourself in like 5 minutes, it’s just a block of queso fresco (or white american), chop it up for faster melting, sodium citrate, milk, peppers, and seasoning. The sodium citrate is vital to keep it from getting grainy.
Where are you getting Philly cheese steaks with canned cheese???
However chef boyardee and spaghetti-os have been a thing. My mom only got them once for us (in the 80s) and I wasn’t impressed. Liked kraft macaroni and cheese though.
Avoid at all costs. Bought one can for the novelty of feeling the same way. It is so much worse than you’re imagining.
I can imagine fake chese custard and slight amounts of overcooked rubbery pasta.
Have you ever smelled some foam and had that give you a headache? Do you know that chemically smell?
If so, it tastes whole mouth like that but very concentrated.
There are also chunks but at the same time there is not discernable difference in texture or consistency. Just vague border regions that register montarily as the broad side of your tongue cuts through them like a razor.
You ought to be. It’s a struggle meal, not because of the price but because you struggle to keep it down. The noodles feel simultaneously overcooked, limp and somehow grainy. The sauce is virtually flavorless except for a musky odor of nuclear cheese. The consistency of the sauce is like that of milk, and it does not adhere to the noodles. Your bowl will be a nice mix of cold, pallid noodle soup and boiling hot noodle soup.