I swear that when I was a student, my department had a good mix of distros.
- Most students were on Ubuntu and Mint VMs.
- Students in system or HPC labs had to learn CentOS. However, my entry condition to my lab was to install FreeBSD as a guest on VMWare ESXi. Everything must be specifically partitioned and must be done in one sitting. (This happened illegally in the server room. I could not exit and hope to reenter, hence the rule.)
- Enthusiasts learn Debian.
- I don’t know what happened to SlackWare people.
Kids these days? WSL or Mac.
MacOS on an FX-8350 (pre-OpenCore), with nvidia graphics was legitimately one of the most difficult and unpleasant projects I have ever undertaken in all my years of stupid projects, worse than the time I managed to fuck up fstab so badly I turned 6 drives into 6,000+ drives.
Is Slackware even still around?
I’m in the WSL camp at home, and Red Hat at work