I swear that when I was a student, my department had a good mix of distros.
- Most students were on Ubuntu and Mint VMs.
- Students in system or HPC labs had to learn CentOS. However, my entry condition to my lab was to install FreeBSD as a guest on VMWare ESXi. Everything must be specifically partitioned and must be done in one sitting. (This happened illegally in the server room. I could not exit and hope to reenter, hence the rule.)
- Enthusiasts learn Debian.
- I don’t know what happened to SlackWare people.
Kids these days? WSL or Mac.
Is Slackware even still around?
I’m in the WSL camp at home, and Red Hat at work
MacOS on an FX-8350 (pre-OpenCore), with nvidia graphics was legitimately one of the most difficult and unpleasant projects I have ever undertaken in all my years of stupid projects, worse than the time I managed to fuck up fstab so badly I turned 6 drives into 6,000+ drives.