Nope. Back in my day we got service buying gas. Now I have to pay more for gas and do it myself. You are destroying a society, and to a point making somebody not being able to have a job for as long as possible. You pay extra and corporate benefits
There’s no stopping automation. Even if the cashiers were free the big players would still go to a self service model.
It’s faster and less error prone, meaning more customers, meaning more profit.
Eh, it’s just unecessary. I’m all in favor of phasing out boring, repetitive jobs. Have humans do fun things while robots run shit we don’t want to deal with.
Yeah, all those fun things you can do without a job like sleeping in my car or wandering the streets.
Try shitting on the streets of San Francisco
I guess thats a fair point. I was talking more about stores tho where you can choose between self-checkout and normal checkout.
It will lead to self checkout only and security personal being the only employee. Basically you can see this at a gas station
I don’t disagree about your first point, but regarding the second I would like to point out something: I work at a fuel center, and at least in the US (or at the very least in Michigan), we are legally required to have at least 1 person at the fuel center at all times when it is open. Safety reasons.
This is why my home town has a bylaw indicating that fuel can only be dispensed by personnel of the business retailing the fuel. Sometimes people from out of town do insist on pumping their own gas though.