I’m pretty sure punching a wall because your fantasy football league is losing is an unhealthy way of processing anger.
This week I found out I am losing medicade, food stamps and unemployment because one of my previous jobs won’t provide the right paper work. That feels pretty wall punch worthy
I feel you bud. Sometimes life just blindsides you and you need an outlet. I hope things improve for you soon.
Probably not. I got my own mental issues to. I almost begged for the job on my last interview. Did not go well.
Guys point is, we don’t know the why. We only know the what. Sure, I think everyone can agree it’s not the healthiest coping, but I don’t know too many people who choose the healthy option in a state of extreme emotion. Is there ANY scenario you could imagine this being understandable, even if not good or healthy? Lots of people listing scenarios where I could TOTALLY see getting a rather reasonable person into such a mental state.