Everyone is an atheist until they do kernel/full system update on their daily driver machine
pacman -Syu hangs after updating kernel but before mkinitcpio.
Jesus, take the wheel.
I just have a script that repeats the “install-kernel” command and the “bootctl install” one that I run after every big update. It should be fine without them, right? Too many times the kernel one fails in the pacman update chain and I’ve had to chroot from a live USB too many times to do the bootctl install to put the correct bootloaders in the efi partition to skip the manual bootclt install from my actual PC after updates.
Just in case. It takes 2 seconds vs searching the pendrive, loading, typing in an European keyboard when the live USB asumes it’s american, searching the chroot command on my phone… All of this when I just want to relax. Weird stuff I know.
Me updating my Arch install in the morning at school (there’s faster connection):
But, with current install I finally started writing logs of all manual changes I make (config updates, created symlinks outside home dir, package installations, etc…). I’ll finally know what I did instead of trying to guess what weird thing I did 2 years ago.
This is a fantastic idea. Keep a config diary. I can imagine a teenager doing this and eventually getting in trouble with the law. Parents open the diary only to discover scribbled bash scripts in confusion.
For real, though, I’m going to journal it all and upload to NextCloud.
I still love the particular way that Garuda configures some things from the get go. I always knew it was Arch based and might break eventually. What I didn’t expect was the stupid power button deciding that it doesn’t want to work anymore.
Yeah that kind of device failure is really frustrating, did you manage to make it work?
I did, by pushing really hard in random directions =/ I’m going to have to take it apart and clean things with a hope that it gets fixed. Until then, I’m going to have to only use sleep and not turn it off for real.