And I think social democracy (which we need to fix) is the answer to that.
Most of Europe has a social democracy. Let’s just say: it’s not going too well. Especially when considering the rise of far right talking points (Looks at France, Netherlands, Germany, Italy, Sweden, Austria, Hungary, …).
I’m brown and live in Europe and America, it’s going fine, a hell of a lot better than anywhere else, particularly the shithole that is CCP’s China.
Taiwan is doing pretty well though.
Austria is on the brink of going Hungary and the “progressive” coalition in Germany is gladly copying the far right’s homework.
I also don’t like China’s governmet. Not sure why you bring it up.
The far right keeps trying to take over, and keeps collapsing into its own incompetence immediately after.
They know longer know how to rule and modern parliamentary systems make them much less able to govern.
Germany will be a disaster, their economy is finished for at least a decade, but that’s … not terribly serious, they’ll re-form after a while, hopefully after we’ve fixed the EU.
Yeah that latter one is a bit fantastic, but considering how much room there is for change right now we actually could have some things get better.
Austria has been flirting with the far-right my whole life, the strain runs REALLY deep.
If America goes Trump then things could get very dark, but otherwise I’m pretty sure we’ll manage to figure things out over the next decade, things are still vastly better in both Europe and America than anywhere else and while people don’t like it, they’ll be less happy with the alternatives.