Yes! then you can have other mental health problems to distract from your existing ones.
For best results, try Gentoo.
I use arch in my boxers. Usually haven’t made it to socks, but if I had arch sock you better believe they’d be sexy. I use arch btw.
The proof that he uses Arch is that he told you about it. Arch user confirmed.
I heard very desperate people also use Linux From Scratch. Might help. Might induce neurosis.
I use debian but I got enough mental health problems already… like somehow I cannot backport packages, gimp doesn’t work on wayland, it puts me back to tty occasionally, et cetra.
I love it though
gimp doesn’t work on wayland
Ouch. It works for me on Debian 12 and Wayland 47.
I like Krita way better, anyway, now, though.