Yes! then you can have other mental health problems to distract from your existing ones.
For best results, try Gentoo.
I use arch in my boxers. Usually haven’t made it to socks, but if I had arch sock you better believe they’d be sexy. I use arch btw.
The proof that he uses Arch is that he told you about it. Arch user confirmed.
I heard very desperate people also use Linux From Scratch. Might help. Might induce neurosis.
I use debian but I got enough mental health problems already… like somehow I cannot backport packages, gimp doesn’t work on wayland, it puts me back to tty occasionally, et cetra.
I love it though
gimp doesn’t work on wayland
Ouch. It works for me on Debian 12 and Wayland 47.
I like Krita way better, anyway, now, though.
Can’t focus on mental problems if you’re too busy reinstalling arch.
My brother used to endlessly recompile Gentoo. I like just watching the terminal scrolling. Hmm, maybe I need a gentoo-compiling-simulator…
Or you could just lean into your mental health issues and try TempleOS.
I used to be all fucked up on drugs, now I am all fucked up on Linux.
Hooked on Linux worked for me!
I have nightmares where the borrow checker is shouting at me incomprehensibly about the literal bugs and I shoot them with the clone laser and the borrow checker stops shouting for ten seconds, but now there are two bugs for each original bug and Tim Berners Lee floats by saying it’s not very idiomatic and I shouldn’t expect to get to work on time if I just keep stopping along the journey to spend all my time cloning the bugs.
Haha. On a more serious note, it gets better over time. I recommend keeping a really functional programming style in Rust and only opt out to imperative programming, when it just makes sense (e.g. to optimize, avoid allocs etc.). I’d say Rust is currently my most productive programming language, because I mostly avoid the time-consuming debugging part due to the strictness.