*edited post title to make it clear that this is a joke
Why the fuck would I tip for that?
Because many restaurants split tips with the back end, and, well, somebody made the food.
Sure, and theoretically that’s covered by the price that was listed on the menu. If it’s not, it’s the restaurant’s problem, not mine. Fuck that noise, seriously.
it’s the restaurant’s problem, not mine
But you’re supporting the restaurant. You’re keeping the system afloat.
I’m supporting the restaurant by eating there, and paying menu prices for food. If they need me to pay more, they can raise their menu prices. I’m not going to guess how much things actually cost.
Tips keep the system afloat. The reason there aren’t mass strikes demanding an end to tips is because the system works for most.
Sure, racial minorities are significantly discriminated against and many will receive hardly minimum wage with tips but the majority of tipped workers is fine with it. And that’s all that is required for an unjust system to persist.
Restaurants need to pay their staff a living wage instead of expecting patrons to subsidize the owners’ greed.
It’s also a matter of trust … we’re handing off money to a restaurant that will pass on the amount to the employee or employees … who decides who gets it? do they share it? do just the waiters get it? does the owner get a cut? do the kitchen staff get some? is it shared equally? Do they add up everything at the end of the day? end of the week? end of a shift?
Some places are good and fair with distributing tips but some places aren’t and no one ever gets to know what any one does with the funds.
This happens a lot, often tips are stolen from immigrant workers by the restaurant. I was at an Indian place and the guy I was with knew our server. I already had my suspicions about the place so I just asked the guy if he gets his tips. He says the owner takes all tips.
He ended up standing with his back to me so I could put $10 in his hand. Fucking absurd.
By the logic, i should pay tip for every item i buy, it is produced by somebody in a factory somewhere.
Or you should stop visiting restaurants that ask for tips entirely.
It’s not like the waiter is doing the majority of the work for your meal when you sit down.
Ah yes the solution to tips is boycotting my favorite restaurants, that will show them that I don’t want to tip!
“You have my favorite food and great service, but I would rather you just raise your prices and pay your staff more.”
Yep that’s what they would see from my boycott
The waitresses and waiters and everyone can’t survive without tips, so let’s just give them no business and no tips!
It’s the idea of the Applebee’s 10 dollar meal that’s actually 12 dollars. What business wouldn’t want to give their employees top dollar and have to advertise higher prices? It’s a win-win for the business. They aren’t going to change until forced or highly encouraged.
Getting rid of “Tip wages” would be the solution
No one should be required to rely on tips as income
It should be known no one is required to rely on tips as income
Then we can all stop with the tips
The costs of goods and overhead like employee wages should be included in the price. Raise your prices to what they apparently should be instead of begging your clientele to help give your employees a living wage out of the goodness of our hearts. Such a system only punishes the considerate by milking them of their cash (likely more than they wouldnif your prices were corrected) and rewards the assholes by artificially deflating their prices.
I worked at many restaurants when I was in college and only one of those many split tips. It’s far from a universal rule.