I fucking HATE these clickbait headlines. Read the dang article and look at the quotes:
“I’m going to create these wellness farms where they can go to get off of illegal drugs, off of opiates, but also illegal drugs, other psychiatric drugs, if they want to, to get off of SSRIs, to get off of benzos, to get off of Adderall, and to spend time as much time as they need — three or four years if they need it— to learn to get reparented, to reconnect with communities,” he said during the broadcast. (emphasis added)
RFK is a total whackjob, but it’s pretty clear he’s talking about some kind of voluntary “farm therapy” (which probably isn’t demonstrably effective anyway) and not a concentration camp.
PLEASE we got enough bombastic language and clickbait over the Biden years. There are PLENTY of things wrong with the actual quote above without taking us into clickbait territory.
Let’s criticize him on the grounds of being scientific but proposing very un-scientific actions. Let’s criticize him for proposing ineffective solutions, but please, focus on his ACTUAL statement instead of trying to fluff it into some goddamn headline.
Stop fucking sane washing him
You’ll notice I called him a “total whackjob”. I do not say he is sane. However, I wish to criticize what he ACTUALLY said instead of some bombastic caricature of his plan. In no way do I support or endorse RFK, but let’s be accurate with our criticism.
Focus on the topic at hand. Making up all these statements will just make people roll their eyes when or if it actually happens. Don’t be the boy who cried wolf.
I actually like the idea, if they fund it.
I could go away for a year no questions asked.
Assuming it is implemented as RFK says, I agree. I can see some people choosing to take some time on a farm to try to address their drug addictions.
Since neither Trump (nor RFK) have a track record of delivering, I will believe it when I see it. If people in the USA wrestling with drug addiction had a choice to work at a wellness farm it seems like a positive development to me. Since Team Trump is big on words and short on action, I won’t give them the benefit of the doubt here. I suspect it’s just another entry in the long list of stuff they talk about and then don’t actually do.
You clearly have not read the history of Nazi era labor camps. They had very nice sounding propaganda for Germans to believe too.
Don’t kid yourself. They mean forced labor camps.
I have read the history of Nazi era labor camps. I do not believe every outcome that occurred in Nazi Germany will occur here. Since neither Trump, nor RFK, is in charge yet, you and I can only conjecture about what they will do once they are in charge. I prefer to restrict my criticism to their stated plans instead of these hyperbolic statements, but you do you.
I guess under the same reasoning that this will be Nazi Germany, we will also be doing a land invasion of Mexico and/or Canada for more “living space”. If you don’t believe that to be true, then the best I can say is we will have a partial overlap with Nazi Germany. Assuming you do not believe there will be a land-invasion of our closest neighboring countries, can you explain what parts of Nazi Germany I can expect and what I cannot?
So far, I understand your reasoning to be that Trump and Co. have identical goals to Nazi Germany. I am curious how this meshes with Trump’s broad support of Israel, which would probably be in conflict with the antisemitism of Nazi Germany.
Sure, totally voluntary. With barbed wire, guards, prison gangs, and court orders. Just like the reform schools for teenagers.
People want excitement more than they want truth.
This is why Trump was elected again.
MAGAs are not some strange species of subhuman. They’re humans like us, genetically identical almost, same with nazis and Jim Jones cultists and everyone else who has ever done anything inexplicable. They have the same vulnerabilities and the same biases and the same reactions. If they’re dumber, then the stories their brains will tell them to explain their feelings will also be dumber, but your brain does the same thing every time you feel a thing.
We’re all going to have to confront this unpleasant fact about just how much free-will we actually have in the coming decade as more and more of reality becomes compromised in our daily scrolling rituals, as more bots and scammers and influencers become far more sophisticated and intelligent in their schemes.
I hope that after some period of hardship and confusion we all look at information in a different way, as the internet becomes consumed by the AI slop engine and nobody can prove what’s real anymore and anyone can manipulate anyone else’s image and voice perfectly and we all have to embrace new attitudes towards ourselves and our ego.
We’re all subhuman because humanity is a myth we invented for ourselves. We’re still just dumb fucking apes, slinging our shit at apes that look different and mimicking the apes we think look like us. As a species we won’t grow or reflect upon anything. We’re just trying to filter out our civilization.
Reading the actual quote makes it sound a lot WORSE.
Less like “farm therapy” and more like:
Assuming this is government funded, I’d be more than happy to spend a couple of years at such a place. I need to take a break from reality and not worry about bills for a bit.
Some additional context: RFK proposed these farms will be funded by sales tax on cannabis products. Whether you consider that government funded or not is up to you.
Although these wellness farms might seem like a worthwhile idea on paper, there are plenty of ways these kinds of systems could be rife with abuse. It’s also unclear how different they would really be from the rehabilitation facilities that already exist across the country, and RFK’s claims that most of the issues come down to not eating organic food also don’t seem to be based on hard science.
Means well but it sounds here like they’ll be volunteering at a farm for 3-4 uears, wasting their time
Oh yeah… “volunteering.”
And for “as much time as they need.”
Doesn’t seem ominous at all from a guy with a brainworm in a government that’s being jizzed on by the whole for-profit-prison industry. I’m sure they’ll have no interest in these “wellness farms”.
Arbeit macht frei.