Did he though?
Unless somebody’s got a link to what he actually said, I just don’t believe it. There’ve been so many lies about “what Trump said”
He spoke about how the 1776 project to be mandatory in schools and any schools that teach 1619 project or critical race theory to be defunded and sanctioned. Those are just examples and evidence.
Edit: But here’s a more recent article talking about banning teaching about slavery itself https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-threatens-defund-schools-teach-155006275.html
So I was right. He’s targeting CRT and the 1619 Project (what is this?), which is not the same as targeting any mention of slavery.
That sure didn’t take long to debunk.
So the claim that Trump is trying to remove mention of slavery from classrooms turned out to be a lie. Another lie.
Read the article, it talks about “slavery” and not the examples I gave above.