I’m fine with a tiny 15,000 of those “possible fellow travellers” getting a good dose of reality to leave the Wehrmacht- and ideally in the process, the contradictions and lies or the empire also being pushed forward a bit moreso into the minds of any such others with the same potential (human decency/empathy).
Also, IMO- it does not do our community (the trans community) globally or even within the US/west any favors IMO, to have token Uncle Toms joining in the empire’s war machine, whatever their motivations. Just like Isntreal flying the trans or rainbow flags is no benefit- or like how Obama’s election did no favors to the black and African communities within the US or outside it (as an Asian seeing what he did to Africa’s most developed country and black wealth/homeownership in the US I have said I hope I don’t see some Asian POTUS), etc.