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SadArtemis [she/her]
4 posts • 241 comments

Same as the 'grad SadArtemis🏳️‍⚧️

came here (mostly) for the emojis

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Even in his final moments, his beautiful revolutionary spirit shone through.


So many pumpkin ideas I’d never considered tbh. All of these sound delicious.


Does it change anything when the empire cuts the flow for military aid (no doubt with an immense number of exceptions/technicalities) for a brief moment or so when we all know it will return back in full force again? When we all know that it has armed the Zionist entity to the teeth and will return right back in defense of its concentration camp-franchise and its ongoing holocaust the moment it is called?

Not USian (from a similarly cursed country which supports this genocide, materially and otherwise) but I would support Klanmala and co, perhaps, if they truly could say- they would end the genocide. That they would end the horrors, that they would put an end to this conflict and genuinely accept even just a two-state solution happening for real. They can’t even say the “genocide” word. They can’t even go without spewing the same blood libel against Palestinians. They can’t step away from their constant support, material and otherwise, of the genocide. It’s literally that wretched…


Admittedly, I hadn’t quite considered racism in the way you describe (though I’m aware of that take of discrimination + social power = racism).

I’d say I fall somewhere between you and in this regard, though I also feel that my own experiences with racism and racial alienation and how they have shaped my mentality in- well, just about everything, do also result in me having an immense bias I don’t know if I can entirely overcome. Logically I agree more with you and that aforementioned (racism requires power) take- mentally it is hard to do, FWIW I will admit that I myself similarly cannot fully divorce myself mentally from identity politics (though “imperial idpol” as I described in my previous comment was in response to the “white idpol” mentioned in the post- and I do think is absolutely a thing, though idpol as an… atomization of the proletariat and humanity in general does probably have an infinite number of takes that can be derived from the concept- imperial idpol being just a particularly vile and ubiquitous one across the imperial cores).

Since I @'ed Lussy though, figure I’d respond also here in saying-

Palestine and Nicaragua are literally the last thing on my mind when im living my day to day life, talking about these things while I live in despair might as well be a form of escapism

While not dunking on you for that take, I have to infinitely disagree with it. Solidarity is not escapism, and if we cannot hold onto it even in the worst despair then we are both truly doomed, and at least somewhat wretched. We can’t look away, particularly not if we want others to stand by us in turn.

I get what you’re saying, 100%, in regards to living in despair (I do as well)- and sometimes we need to just live disconnecting from these things for a while, because it isn’t healthy and we can’t survive like that while living with our own despair ourselves. But we can’t disconnect from it altogether, when it comes up (and it always does) we cannot keep silent and keep to ourselves.

Honestly on some level I feel if I were to do it- for those who do it as well- honestly, perhaps we would deserve it then. Surely we would have asked for it, by looking away from those in even further despair and facing literal industrial genocide or kill squads. Think about it and just what you said (though I don’t think the full meaning of it was intended)- is this what we want to be? Are we any better than those who are persecuting us for our race if we do so? Maybe it’s just me and my ex-Catholic mentality, but I reject it (the empire) in its entirety even when it is far away doing more horrifying things to others I don’t know in Palestine and Nicaragua, I would like to think I would reject it and would not look away or shy from it even if it kills me.


As someone who is trans and queer, a POC, and coming from an immigrant family- I have to agree with u/Z_Poster365, this post and the comments come distastefully close to spoilerism (against the most basic simple stance against literal genocide).

Trump supporters are ghouls and whether they like it or not, racist through their willingness to stand alongside and fend for racism, yes- but the nasty, honest truth is that the same goes for all of Klanmala’s supporters, with the disgusting caveat even that many more of those are not simply ignorant, but genuinely vile to their core, having seen the full extent of what they support and yet still making their peace with it.

Both sides (if the sides of 100% Hitler, orange flavor vs. 100% Hitler, coconut flavor are "separate sides) are truly and irreconcilably wretched. They might take minor detours in how they rationalize it, but at their core is imperial identity politics (that the lives of the “enlightened west” are worth infinitely more than those of the global south) and imperial anxiety (that those they would see as their slaves if not exterminated altogether are liberating themselves).


IMO if there were a god, London would cease to exist on that day of sacrilege against all notions of basic decency and humanity. 500 years of unimaginable barbarism by the west and still they manage to think up new and hideous ways to make a mockery of all sense of decency and humanity itself.


It really captures the inhumanity (genocide and every atrocity imaginable) openly embraced by these ghouls, agreed.


I know who I’d like to see eat shit and choke to death on it (most), tbh. Klanmala and all the devils backing her can burn for all I care: the US in its excess has two Nazi parties, but the Nazi party which understands exactly what wretches they are (and embraces it while gaslighting and pinkwashing about it) is truly worse on every level IMO. On a moralistic level as well as a practical one, and in a way that is so insulting and inimical to humanity.

I’m an atheist, but there is no better word to describe Klanmala and co.'s genocidal faux-progressivism IMO than sacrilegious, a heresy against all that they appropriate- human rights, anti-racism, the struggle of the working class, etc etc… all liberals/fascists are guilty of this, but one side is infinitely more insulting and degrading IMO and it’s not the more “honest” fascists…


Thanks! Having read it now it is- interesting. Good and unquestionably principles everyone should seek to follow, yet also of course a call to constant self-crit and what I’d call irreligious, tangible, revolutionary virtue.

I’d never really considered such behaviors liberalism, but it’s food for thought (and I don’t disagree with it). Of course, considering all that is listed, there is no one who doesn’t err or who will not err in due time, but it’s a means of bettering yourself, society, and protecting the integrity of the revolution or of any org, I suppose. It’s definitely something that will be sticking with me.
